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Office of Teacher Education and Career Service


本研究主要探討現行教科書在生殖、遺傳章節順序安排的兩種類型,對不同學習成就之國中生遺傳章節學習成效與各認知層次試題作答表現之影響。採準實驗研究,樣本139位,依學生上學期自然段考平均分數分高(前27%)、中與低(後27%)三群。實驗組教學處理排序為無性生殖、有性生殖、細胞的分裂、遺傳章節;對照組則為細胞的分裂、無性生殖、有性生殖、遺傳章節。學生依序接受前測(Cronbach's α=0.84)、教學處理與後測(Cronbach's α=0.83),數據用共變數分析與百分比同質性檢定進行分析。結果顯示兩組高分群與中間群後測成績無差異,但低分群表現實驗組顯著優於對照組(p=0.03<0.05)。實驗組在應用層次答題表現顯著優於對照組(p=0.03<0.05),低分群學生在應用與分析層次答題表現上,實驗組顯著優於對照組(p=0.00<0.05)。根據研究結果,本研究提出教科書概念安排及教學的建議。
This study was to discuss the effect of the sequences arranged on both chapters, Reproduction and Genetics, in the current textbook on the performance of junior high school students who have learned and answered each cognitive level of question. This Study used quasi-experiment method on 139 students as the samples, who were divided into high (Top 27% of all), intermediate and low level (Last 27% of all) of average scores displayed in the science monthly exam last semester. Experimental Group was taught in the sequence of the Chapter titled asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction, cell division, inheritance; Control Group was done in the sequence of the Chapter titled cell division, asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction and inheritance. Students were treated with pretest by sequence (Cronbach's α=0.84), teaching process and posttest (Cronbach's α=0.83), among of which, data collected were analyzed by ANCOVA and Chi-Square. The results showed that none of difference between the posttest achievements of both high-score group and intermediate-score group, while that of experimental group's low-score group showed significantly higher than that of Control Group (p=0.03<0.05). Experimental Group had better achievements than Control Group in terms of application cognitive questions (p=0.03<0.05), while among low level subgroup, Experimental Group performed better than Control Group in terms of application and analysis cognitive questions (p=0.00<0.05). Indicated from the findings hereof, some suggestions were made on the conceptual arrangement of textbook and teaching method.



