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近年文化創意大行其道,在地化的生活點滴,如生態、人文、景點、風俗、社會活動、飲食等皆成為設計創作素材,展現台灣在地特色之美感。商品化是將想法、創意、創新及獨特形象或技術轉化,成為有市場價值的產品或服務內容,文化創意即為將文化元素創意化。本研究主要目的,以技術先行探討結合文化創意特色,因滿足消費者需求而產生價值主張,再進行商品化流程導入市場。本論文是以「紡織印花配件產品」為對象,導入文化創意商品化,藉由國內紡織業者個案研究,根據文獻探討「商品化」步驟,加入文化創意素展開實際商品化執行過程記錄,以及市場的連結成果整理成個案研究,藉由後續設計創作執行驗證。 特定技術利用消費者需求因素來滿足消費族群,透過適用的文化結合創意找到市場對象;特定技術與特定文化元素結合,運用創意展開商品開發,產生獨特的價值主張,商品化的文化價值就此產生,並可落實在商品化流程之企劃、設計、生產與行銷。技術結合文化創意產品,滿足消費者需求,產生市場價值。
In recent years, cultural creativity industry was so popular. In order to reveal the beauty of Taiwan, the elements of local life such as ecology, culture, scenic spots, customs, social activities and eating preferences have become design materials. Commercialization is going to transfer the idea, creativity, innovation, unique image or technology into products and service which are with market value. Cultural creativity is equal to make the idea full of ingenuity. The main purpose of research is technology-oriented to explore the features in combination with cultural creative, to satisfy the demand of consumer and value proposition, then through commercialization process into market. This research is to "pattern textile accessories" as the object, carrying Commercialization of cultural and creative into execution. With the case studies of domestic textile industry, according to the literature investigates "commercialization" steps, recording execution of commercialization process with cultural and creative element, and achievements of market-linking organizes into case studies results for creative design after all. Particular technology uses consumer demand to satisfy consumer groups, through appropriate cultural combining creative found a market objects. Combination of particular technologies and specific cultural factors produced a unique value proposition, therefore, it produced cultural values of the commercialization, and it can be implemented in the commercialization process, including planning, design, production and marketing. Technology combined with cultural and creative products to satisfy consumer demand, resulting in market value.



技術先行, 文化創意, 商品化, 紡織印花配件, Technology-Oriented, Cultural Creative, Commercialization, Pattern Textile Accessories

