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基於滿足讀者的閱讀興趣與需求的服務理念,目前已有許多高中圖書館、大學圖書館及公共圖書館均將漫畫書收為館藏,甚至國家圖書館也成立了漫畫屋,提供漫畫館藏給民眾閱覽、研究之用,漫畫書早已脫離以往不良刊物的形象。而漫畫向來是國小學童最喜歡閱讀的課外讀物類別之一,因此本研究欲探討國小校園裡設置漫畫圖書館(區)的需求性,期望能因國小設置漫畫圖書館(區)以提升國小學童的閱讀率。 本研究主要採用問卷調查法,研究對象為臺北縣立國小四、六年級學童共896人,以了解國小學童使用學校圖書館與閱讀漫畫的現況,及對設置漫畫圖書館(區)的需求態度。另以半結構式訪談大綱為輔,針對四所國小圖書館負責人或主管進行訪談,以了解目前學校圖書館推動閱讀的狀況,以及受訪者對於國民小學設置漫畫圖書館(區)的看法。 研究結果發現,目前大部分的學童每週會使用學校圖書館1~2次。但是向學校圖書館借閱的一般書籍量偏低,一個學期僅借閱1~5本書的人數最多。學童普遍喜歡閱讀漫畫,大部分學童是在寒、暑假時才看漫畫,而且多數學童一星期平均看漫畫的時間是在1小時以內。而有半數的學童所閱讀的漫畫書是來自於圖書館,因此多數學童希望校園裡設置漫畫圖書館(區),並表示願意積極利用。如果校園裡設置漫畫圖書館(區),多數學童願意增加造訪學校圖書館的次數,且亦願意閱讀漫畫圖書館(區)所推荐的文字讀物。此外,四所學校圖書館主管或負責人皆認同圖書館提供、蒐藏漫畫館藏;而基於提高學童到圖書館借書的機會,有三校圖書館負責人贊成學校設置漫畫圖書館(區),不過前提是漫畫的題材和內容必須經過仔細審查、審慎篩選。 在未來研究,若能擴大研究對象至不同縣市、不同年齡層(自小學低年級到高年級),另再加入針對學童的深度訪談,便可對國小學童的閱讀興趣獲得更全面性的了解。此外,亦可加入家長和老師為研究對象,進一步探討他們對於國小學童閱讀漫畫的態度和看法。或是針對圖書館的漫畫館藏政策、漫畫閱讀與推廣政策加以研究,以便對圖書館的漫畫館藏利用有更深入的了解。
Many libraries collect comic books to satisfy reader’s reading interests nowadays. The comic books had already got rid of the image of being publications. And the comic books are accepted by school students as one catergory of the most popular books read elementary in their leisure time. Therefore, this research investigntes in the demand of establishing the comics libraries(collections) in elementary schools, in aresult to build comics libraries(collections) and stimulate the school children’s reading. Questionnaires were mainly used in this research, the objects of research were 896 students of the fourth and sixth grades in poblic elemary schools in Taipei County, in order to realize the situation of comic reading, the usage of school library, and the demand of establishing comics libraries(collections). Besides, this research was assisted with semi-structured interviews with four library managers in schools, to realize the circumstances of reading populization in schools, and their opinions of establishing comics libraries(collections). According to the research, the majority of students use school library 1~2 times every week, but the number of common books borrowing from library is small. Students who only borrow 1~5 books in a semester are the most in the survey.Students like reading comic books in common, most students read comic books only in winter or summer vacations. And many of them spend less than 1 hour on reading comic books in average. Half of them read comic books borrowing from libraries. Therefore, most students hope that the comics libraries(collections) can be established in campus, so that they will use the library more often. If there are comics libraries(collections) in the campuses, most students will be willing to visit it more often, and be willing to read books recommended by the libraries. In addintion, four school library managers all aproved to that they can provide comic books in the library; based on increasing the check-out rates, three of them suggested that comics libraries(collections) should be established with the comic books which are examined carefully on the theme and the content. In future researchs, students’ interests in reading will be understood more comprehensively, if the objects expand to different age in different counties, and futher interview with students can be added. Moreover, objects can also include both parents and teachers, and their opinions of comic books reading should be taken into consideration. Furthermore, researches in the policies of comic books collection and reading promoting can be investigated, to use the comics libraries more effectively.



漫畫, 漫畫圖書館, 閱讀興趣, comic, comic library, reading interest

