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漫遊不是一種追求,而是發現。漫遊者看似無目的的晃遊於城市角落,實際卻在暗地以冷眼觀察人生百態。他們以旁觀者般抽離的立場,對社會提出最敏銳的觀察。近年來臺灣房價不合理的飛漲,對照不動如山的薪資水準;豪宅奢華昂貴的建材與規劃,凸顯整體住居環境的落後、醜陋;建商龐大的投機獲利,相對於路口舉牌臨時工們工作條件的惡劣,社會明顯已經嚴重失衡。建案命名與廣告招牌中,一再出現的異國風情,透露人們對於現實生活的不滿,對於生活與住居的美好想望,只能寄託於遙遠的烏托邦。 本創作研究藉由文獻探討法,進行對攝影發展歷史及攝影創作美學之研究。並以數位攝影記錄漫遊所見,採取電腦影像軟體拼貼合成的創作手法,透過鏡頭呈現人與環境的互動脈絡,探討在地生活的住居荒謬。試圖喚醒政府與民間的重視,提供國人對於住居環境有更多的省思空間、進而共同努力、投入改善,期許未來創造一個不必羨慕異國的優質生活環境。
People stroll not for pursuit of anything but for discovery. Flâneur seem to stroll aimlessly in the corners of the city but are coldly observing the various aspects of human life. Like outsiders, they detach their personal positions and provide their views of the society. The unreasonable rise of housing prices in Taiwan is in stark contrast to the never-changed salary level. The expensive construction materials and designs used for luxurious residences only underscore the lagging behind and ugliness of the overall living environment. While construction companies gain huge profits from their building projects one after another, casual workers who hold larger banners at road interactions need to work in poor conditions. All these manifest a serious imbalance of the society. The exotic senses or views repeatedly stressed in the name or advertising banner of building projects unveil people’s dissatisfaction with the real life and anticipation for living in Utopia where their great dreams can all be realized. This study investigated the history and development of photography and the aesthetics of photography through document analysis. Based on photos shot by the researcher as a flâneur, the researcher used computer imaging software and collage technique to present interactions between human and the environment and discuss the absurdness in local housing and life. Through this research, the researcher attempted to call on the government and private sectors to have more reflection on our living environment and then work together to improve it to create a really high-quality living environment that is also comparable to the environment in foreign nations.



漫遊, 數位攝影, Flâneur, digital photography

