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在網際網路蓬勃發展的時代,虛擬世界已成為生活中的一部份,也因應科技的進步,人與人之間的交流互動,可利用各式電腦中介傳播工具達成,虛擬社群概念因此應運而生。國內大專校院圖書館意識到社群發展的趨勢,於2009年開始紛紛成立Facebook粉絲專頁,希望透過Facebook強大的傳播力,將圖書館服務更無遠弗屆的推廣出去。本研究旨於探討大專校院圖書館Facebook粉絲專頁目前經營之概況,從動機面、執行面、評估面深入瞭解Facebook融入情形,並調查圖書館與使用者在Facebook上的互動狀況。 本研究以組織的創新過程為基礎架構,探討Facebook粉絲專頁在各階段融入圖書館之概況,利用訪談瞭解圖書館導入Facebook之過程、執行與管理概況,以及管理者的成效評估;另輔以內容分析法,觀察28個大專校院圖書館Faceook粉絲專頁至2011年8月31日止,記錄各館應用與維護情形,並針對Facebook粉絲專頁發佈之訊息類型、使用者回覆類型進行歸納。 由訪談結果可知,圖書館基於現有管道無法滿足、期望將訊息傳遞轉被動為主動,以及考量工具特性,因而導入Facebook,而館內同仁對於導入Facebook多數表示贊同,少數為希望服務能更加完善而提出質疑;在成效評估上,多數管理者認為有達到當初成立之目的,並期望未來Facebook能發揮學術服務的潛能。在內容分析方面,研究結果發現國內大專校院圖書館訊息更新速度偏低,發佈之訊息以館方為主,訊息內容以「宣傳活動、課程」此類型居多;使用者回覆留言以「個人導向」類型為主。最後本研究根據調查結果、參考國外相關文獻,針對不同需求之對象提出具體建議。
In recent years, social networking sites have become mainstream in the cyberspace, and people interact and communicate in a virtual way, thus, the concept of virtual community get more and more popular. Aware of the trend, Taiwan’s academic libraries started to create Facebook profile from 2009. Hoping its strong transmission power could promote library servies successfully. This study aimed to investigate how Facebook is managed by academic libraries including the motive of application, implement situation and librarians’ evaluation about Facebook effect. Besides, also looking into how libraries use Facebook communicate with users, and vice versa through leaving posts, comments, like, and others. This study based on organizational innovation process to understand how Facebook works in each stage by interviewing librarians who mainly administrate the Facebook profile. Content analysis was also conducted to survey Facebook profiles of academic libraries in Taiwan, resulting 28 profiles in total, doing observing and recording until August 31th, 2011. Detailed analysis included how profiles were managed and maintained, what types of information were provided, what behavior users demonstrated on the profiles, how users interacted with posts through commenting. According to the interview results, insufficient communicating cannel with users and considering advantages of the tool led academic libraries starting using Facebook, hoping delievering messages from passively to positively. Most librarians kept posivie attitude to applying Facebook although little had opinions for improving the services. Most of supervisors thought Facebook achieved original purposes, and exceped it could provide more academic services. With content analysis, this study found that academic libraries Facebook messages mostly posted by libraries, about events and couses annocements, however, the updating speed was too slow. Users’ reply type mostly belonged to personal-oriented. In the end, this study based on research results and literature, proposing suggestions to different targets.



社群網站, 組織的創新擴散, 內容分析, 回覆分析, Facebook, Social Networking Sites, Diffusion of Innovation in Organizations, Content Analysiss, Reply Analysis, Facebook

