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本系列研究主要目的為了解急性健身運動對ADHD執行作業轉換之影響。研究一比較ADHD與健康對照組兒童作業轉換之差異。20位ADHD及20位配對健康對照組執行作業轉換並記錄腦波。結果顯示ADHD相較於對照組有較長之RT及較低正確率,尤其是混合試做情境。ERP部分ADHD在整體轉換效應則顯示較小P300振幅及較長之潛伏時間。研究二進一步檢驗急性健身運動對ADHD兒童執行作業轉換之影響。實驗設計採組內平衡消去法,34位ADHD兒童分次完成30分鐘跑步機快走,及控制 (影片觀賞) 兩階段。結果顯示相較於控制情境,30分鐘急性運動後ADHD兒童有較小的整體轉換成本RT,運動後混合情境比起單一情境有較大之P300振幅,控制階段則未觀察到此差異。本研究發現指出一次性中等強度急性運動對ADHD兒童的工作記憶面向可能有正向助益,尤其是需要大量執行控制之作業。此研究結果擴展了過去的研究發現,支持一次性運動促進ADHD兒童與作業轉換有關之執行功能。
The main purpose of this series of studies was to examine the effect of acute, moderate intensity exercise on task-switching in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In study 1, we compared the task-switching performance in children with and without ADHD. Twenty children with ADHD and 20 matched controls performed task-switching while EEG was recorded. Results indicated that children with ADHD demonstrated significantly longer RT and less accuracy compared to controls, especially in mixed condition. ERPs of ADHD participants showed smaller amplitudes and longer latencies of P300 in globe switch effects. In study 2, we further examined the effect of acute bout of aerobic exercise on task switching in children with ADHD. Thirty four children with ADHD performed a task switching paradigm after 30 min of moderate intensity aerobic exercise on a treadmill, and control (seated watching video) sessions, using a within-subjects design during 2 separate, counterbalanced sessions. The results revealed that following a single 30-minute bout of exercise, children with ADHD exhibited smaller global switch cost on RT compared with control session. P300 amplitude increased only following exercise in mixed condition relative to pure condition, whereas no effects were found in the control session. These findings suggest that single bout of moderate intensity aerobic exercise may have positive impacts on working memory in children with ADHD, especially when the task requires greater amounts of executive control. These findings extend the current knowledge by indicating that acute bouts of exercise improve task switching aspect of executive function in children with ADHD.
The main purpose of this series of studies was to examine the effect of acute, moderate intensity exercise on task-switching in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In study 1, we compared the task-switching performance in children with and without ADHD. Twenty children with ADHD and 20 matched controls performed task-switching while EEG was recorded. Results indicated that children with ADHD demonstrated significantly longer RT and less accuracy compared to controls, especially in mixed condition. ERPs of ADHD participants showed smaller amplitudes and longer latencies of P300 in globe switch effects. In study 2, we further examined the effect of acute bout of aerobic exercise on task switching in children with ADHD. Thirty four children with ADHD performed a task switching paradigm after 30 min of moderate intensity aerobic exercise on a treadmill, and control (seated watching video) sessions, using a within-subjects design during 2 separate, counterbalanced sessions. The results revealed that following a single 30-minute bout of exercise, children with ADHD exhibited smaller global switch cost on RT compared with control session. P300 amplitude increased only following exercise in mixed condition relative to pure condition, whereas no effects were found in the control session. These findings suggest that single bout of moderate intensity aerobic exercise may have positive impacts on working memory in children with ADHD, especially when the task requires greater amounts of executive control. These findings extend the current knowledge by indicating that acute bouts of exercise improve task switching aspect of executive function in children with ADHD.
事件關聯電位, 工作記憶, 轉換成本, 執行功能, ERP, working memory, switch cost, executive function