本研究利用XML檔案本身具有結構性的特性,規劃漢字XML儲存格式,並以原生型XML資料庫(eXist)來儲存漢字XML檔案。本研究並使用Web service技術達到查詢不同儲存庫上的資料,如此可以將大量XML文件作更加有效的管理,讓使用者達到便利與完整的查詢。本研究製作漢字儲存庫系統主要為解決漢字教材的儲存與管理問題,系統結合自製軟體漢字編輯器、Moodle數位學習網站與全字庫網站提供的Web services,建立一個有效的漢字儲存庫系統。漢字編輯器軟體提供華語文教師製作教材並即時存取eXist資料庫,然後與Moodle網站整合從eXist資料庫取出所需各種XML檔案組成漢字教材,最後與全字庫網站以Web Services互動解決罕用字無法在電腦顯示與儲存的問題。本系統具備開放標準、聯合互作、物件導向資料庫架構等特色並實現跨資料庫聯合搜尋,讓使用者達到便利與完整的查詢。
Owing to the large amount of character set for Chinese characters, such as 4000 characters are covered in the Chinese class of an elementary school. The production and management of Chinese character digital courseware has been plagued Chinese language teachers for many years. Traditional static digital coursewares on the Chinese language are difficult to meet the current demand for both e-learning and modern teachers. Therefore XML technology is introduced into the production and management of Chinese character digital teaching materials. Our research uses the structural merits of XML files to develop Chinese character courseware material storage format, and uses native XML database (eXist) to store these Chinese character XML files. This study also uses Web service technologies to retrieve information from different repositories. Our system also includes Chinese character authoring tool, Moodle e-learning courseware management system and Web services of Master Ideographs Seeker website developed by the government, to establish an effective Chinese character repository system. The Chinese character authoring tool can provide Chinese language teachers to produce their own courseware, and real-time access to eXist database is also provided for teachers to save their own coursewares. Moodle open source courseware management system is integrated in our system to provide the presentation of Chinese character courseware. Finally, our system also implements the remote query Master Ideographs Seeker website’s Web Services to retrieve unusual words. Our system has the following merits including open standards, repository federation, and object-oriented based Chinese character storage.
Owing to the large amount of character set for Chinese characters, such as 4000 characters are covered in the Chinese class of an elementary school. The production and management of Chinese character digital courseware has been plagued Chinese language teachers for many years. Traditional static digital coursewares on the Chinese language are difficult to meet the current demand for both e-learning and modern teachers. Therefore XML technology is introduced into the production and management of Chinese character digital teaching materials. Our research uses the structural merits of XML files to develop Chinese character courseware material storage format, and uses native XML database (eXist) to store these Chinese character XML files. This study also uses Web service technologies to retrieve information from different repositories. Our system also includes Chinese character authoring tool, Moodle e-learning courseware management system and Web services of Master Ideographs Seeker website developed by the government, to establish an effective Chinese character repository system. The Chinese character authoring tool can provide Chinese language teachers to produce their own courseware, and real-time access to eXist database is also provided for teachers to save their own coursewares. Moodle open source courseware management system is integrated in our system to provide the presentation of Chinese character courseware. Finally, our system also implements the remote query Master Ideographs Seeker website’s Web Services to retrieve unusual words. Our system has the following merits including open standards, repository federation, and object-oriented based Chinese character storage.
漢字註冊儲存庫, XML, eXist資料庫, Web services, XQuery, Chinese character Registry and Repository database, XML, eXist database, Web services, XQuery