“5 Why” 鷹架式提問提升國小學生學習成就與探究學習能力之研究
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本研究依據Kaartinen和Kumpulainen (2002)的精神,研發出適用於國小四年級學童"5 Why"鷹架式提問發展「如何做麵包?」教學模組。此模組主要是以社區的麵包工廠做為教學資源中心,提供製作麵包的理論與實務,且供應材料和器具讓學童做麵包,並負責解答相關的問題。本研究採用準實驗法進行研究,實驗組(n=105)使用"5 Why"鷹架式提問的探究教學,即教師引導思考方向,讓學童追根究底的討論,找出問題的根本原因,並提出問題解決的策略;對照組(n=105)使用直接講述教學。研究結果發現,實驗組學童的科學概念、技巧及科學探究學習能力,均顯著優於對照組學童;實驗組學童經由"5 Why"鷹架式提問之探究學習後,能擴散思考各個層面的問題,其畫出的魚骨圖能幫助聚合於核心問題並提出解決策略。
This study developed an inquiry teaching module, "how to make bread?", which is suitable for use with fourth-grade students by asking "5 Why" scaffolding strategies, based on the work of Kaartinen and Kumpulainen (2002). The module used a community bread factory as an instructional resource center. The study was conducted using a quasi-experimental design. The experimental group (n=105) received inquiry-based teaching by asking "5 Why" scaffolding strategies. That is, teachers issued some directions to inspire students to ask questions and solve problems. By then, pupils found the root cause of the problems, and developed problem solving strategies. The control group (n=105) were taught via a direct teaching approach with teachers' explaining, modeling, and revising. The pupils followed teachers' procedures and asked questions if needed. The results showed that experimental group pupils' scientific concepts and techniques of scientific inquiry ability were superior to the control group. In addition, the experimental group was able to extend their thinking and concentrate on a core problem with the help of drawing a fishbone diagram.
This study developed an inquiry teaching module, "how to make bread?", which is suitable for use with fourth-grade students by asking "5 Why" scaffolding strategies, based on the work of Kaartinen and Kumpulainen (2002). The module used a community bread factory as an instructional resource center. The study was conducted using a quasi-experimental design. The experimental group (n=105) received inquiry-based teaching by asking "5 Why" scaffolding strategies. That is, teachers issued some directions to inspire students to ask questions and solve problems. By then, pupils found the root cause of the problems, and developed problem solving strategies. The control group (n=105) were taught via a direct teaching approach with teachers' explaining, modeling, and revising. The pupils followed teachers' procedures and asked questions if needed. The results showed that experimental group pupils' scientific concepts and techniques of scientific inquiry ability were superior to the control group. In addition, the experimental group was able to extend their thinking and concentrate on a core problem with the help of drawing a fishbone diagram.