與《大地之子》共享血日殘輝: 論滿洲國餘者之生命政治與倫理

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本文以二戰時被遺忘的受害者—滿洲國的殘餘日本人為研究中心。透過理解生命政治的作用,以期傳達出更積極地護衛不同生命型態的必要性。此有助於我們開拓一種對他者的倫理關懷—並非是建立在國家體制下,而是建立在與他者共在的基礎上。從此出發去重省歷史創傷、戰爭責任以及對餘生的思索。 本文分為三章。第一章以滿洲國初期日本青年滿懷憧憬加入開拓團到1945年戰敗的難民經驗為背景。主要藉由傅柯與阿甘本對主權和生命/死亡政治的探討來說明主權如何介入及棄置生命。一方面,傅柯對新治理術的觀察可解釋滿洲國的動員何以在不被反抗的情境下吸納所需的勞力。為了維持生產力,人口、疾病和死亡等的掌控實乃刻不容緩。另一方面,阿甘本例外狀態等的討論能帶出政治棄民行為和難民創傷之後的證言倫理思考。第二章接續阿甘本的例外狀態去闡述見證的(不)可能性,證言中必然的空闕之處顯然是政治操作造成且無法彌補的一環。理解結構上的不可能性之後,進而去探討山崎豐子的小說《大地之子》見證的可能。主角松本勝男所體現的難民經驗、國家機器宰制下的多重創傷和恥辱說明歷史的傷口並不會瘉合,但餘者的生命故事正在透過這個傷口期求注視。在滿洲國餘者逐年凋零的世代,閱讀化為使我們遇見他者的岸礁。第三章討論對他者的責任,亦即一種發自內心去對現有體制劃分的懸置。小說中,松本的救贖經驗顯示:倫理關懷不應該是形成特定群體的生命政治目標,而是建立在人與人之間敞開、互通的網絡上。最後,從當代主導記憶深遠的媒體反思滿洲國餘者成為被遺忘的受害者的原因及相關倫理問題。
My thesis takes the forgotten victims of World War II—namely, the abandoned Japanese in Manchuria—as the research objects. I aim to expound the influences of biopolitics over individuals’ lives, and to convey the indispensability for defending different forms of lives. Knowing the biopolitical mechanisms enables us to cultivate an ethical concern for the Other, which is not passively controlled by the government, but is based on the active sense of coexistence. Starting from this human concern, I discuss the historical traumas, war responsibility and life of remnants. The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter sets the context of Manchukuo remnants from their eagerness to join the farm settlement to their desperate refugee experiences in 1945. By practicing Foucault’s and Agamben’s concept on the sovereign and bio-/thanato- politics, I discuss how the sovereign power intervenes and abandons life. On the one hand, Foucault’s observation on the new art of governmentality over population casts light on how the Manchurian mobilization subsumes the required laborers without facing their resistance. To maintain the circulation of production, the control of population, disease and death becomes imperative. On the other hand, Agamben’s discussion on the state of exception provides a field for considering the ethics of testimony after the political abandonment and the traumatic refugee experiences. In Chapter Two, continuing Agambenian state of exception, I discuss the (im)possibilites of witness. The necessary lacuna inside the testimony, apparently caused by the political manipulation, dooms to be irreparable. After knowing the structural impossibilities, I discuss possibilities of witnessing through Toyoko Yamasaki’s Child of the Continent. The protagonist Katsuo Matsumoto’s refugee experiences, traumas and shame reveal irremediability of historical wounds, from which life of remnants summons people’s attentions. In an age when Manchukuo remnants wither like winter flowers, reading becomes a shore where we are exposed to the Other. In Chapter Three, I discuss the duty toward the Other, which implies a suspension of juridical-political judgment. In the novel, Matsumoto’s salvation conveys that ethical consideration should not serve biopolitical objectives of constituting specific groups; rather, it connects to the open, communicative networks among humans. Finally, I ponder on the reasons for Manchukuo remnants’ becoming forgotten victims and consequent ethical problems in media, which plays a pivotal role in transmitting memory.



生命政治, 倫理, 滿洲國, 記憶, 他者, 餘生, 證言, biopolitics, ethics, Manchukuo, memory, Other, remnants, testimony





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