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本研究旨在探討高中職學生之幽默風格、嘲笑風格及五大人格特質的差異情形,以及彼此間之關係。以「幽默風格量表」、「嘲笑風格量表」、「Mini Markers量表」為研究工具,採用分層立意取樣方式選取全台北、中、南、東四區域及台北市、高雄市,共抽樣二十六校1398位學生為研究對象。結果顯示:1.高中職學生在幽默風格方面,親和型和自我貶抑型有差異;嘲笑風格方面,「喜被笑」和性別有交互作用;人格特質方面,在「開放性」與「情緒穩定性」有差異。2.不同性別學生之幽默風格在親和型、自我提升型與攻擊型幽默風格有差異;在人格特質之「外向性」、「親和性」、「開放性」、「情緒穩定性」有差異。3.高中職學生人格特質的「外向性」、「親和性」、「開放性」、「情緒穩定性」能分別預測四種幽默風格。4.高中職學生人格特質之「外向性」、「開放性」能預測嘲笑風格之「喜被笑」和「喜笑人」,「嚴謹性」能預測「怕被笑」,「親和性」能預測「喜被笑」,「情緒穩定性」負向預測三種嘲笑風格。5.高中職學生幽默風格之親和型、自我提升型能預測嘲笑風格之「喜被笑」;攻擊型幽默風格能預測「喜被笑」與「喜笑人」;自我貶抑型幽默風格能預測三種嘲笑風格。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between Humor Styles, Ridicule Styles and Big-5 Personality Traits of high school students. The measurements used were Humor Styles Questionnaire, PhoPhiKat Questionnaire, and Big-5 Personality traits scale. 1,398 high school students from 26 schools all around Taiwan participated in the study. The results are as follows: 1) Among high school students, there were differences on affiliative and self-defeating humor styles; the interaction between Gelotophilia and gender was also found. Besides ,there were differences on openness and emotion stability of Big-5 Personality Traits. 2) On gender, there were differences on affiliative, self-enhancing, and aggressive humor styles, along with differences on extraversion, agreeableness, openness, and emotional stability of Big-5 Personality Traits. 3) Extraversion, agreeableness, openness, and emotional stability could predict respectively the four humor styles. 4) Extraversion and openness present the tendency of Gelotophilia and Katagelasticism.; conscientiousness could predict Gelotophobia; agreeableness could predict Gelotophilia; emotional stability could negatively predict Gelotophobia, Gelotophilia, and katagelasticism. 5)Afiliative and self-enhancing humor styles could predict Gelotophilia; aggressive humor styles could predict Gelotophilia and katagelasticism; self-defeating humor styles could predict three ridicule styles.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between Humor Styles, Ridicule Styles and Big-5 Personality Traits of high school students. The measurements used were Humor Styles Questionnaire, PhoPhiKat Questionnaire, and Big-5 Personality traits scale. 1,398 high school students from 26 schools all around Taiwan participated in the study. The results are as follows: 1) Among high school students, there were differences on affiliative and self-defeating humor styles; the interaction between Gelotophilia and gender was also found. Besides ,there were differences on openness and emotion stability of Big-5 Personality Traits. 2) On gender, there were differences on affiliative, self-enhancing, and aggressive humor styles, along with differences on extraversion, agreeableness, openness, and emotional stability of Big-5 Personality Traits. 3) Extraversion, agreeableness, openness, and emotional stability could predict respectively the four humor styles. 4) Extraversion and openness present the tendency of Gelotophilia and Katagelasticism.; conscientiousness could predict Gelotophobia; agreeableness could predict Gelotophilia; emotional stability could negatively predict Gelotophobia, Gelotophilia, and katagelasticism. 5)Afiliative and self-enhancing humor styles could predict Gelotophilia; aggressive humor styles could predict Gelotophilia and katagelasticism; self-defeating humor styles could predict three ridicule styles.
高中職學生, 幽默風格, 嘲笑風格, 五大人格特質, high school students, Humor Styles, ridicule styles, Big-5 Personality Traits