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Department od Education, NTNU
Department od Education, NTNU
人是形上形下的存在體或存有(being),人性複雜難解:既像神!像狗!也像輪齒!(How like a god, a dog, and a cog!)人在自尊自或自傲時,多麼像神!人在自卑、他律或自賤時,多麼像狗!而人在自賤無律或自棄時,多麼像輪齒!尤其是今日所謂後現代性的社會,人的利化物化及它化異化,使人更像狗或更像物(it)。當然,人是人。人不是神。人不是狗。人更不是輪齒。如果人類想藉文教力量,將人單純地聖化、或獸化、或物化,將會自食其惡果。或謂人是群性的動物。人因血緣、地緣、利緣、或道緣而成群、或分群,合群是基於自然因素或文化因緣,其目的不外乎維生、善群、修道、或對抗。通常互尊互諒易促進群體內或群體間的良性競爭與互助合作;而獨斷歧視會導致群體內或群體間的惡性競爭或鬥爭。顯然,人類大小團體或族群,就靜態而言,可分善、惡、善惡混、及無善惡等四類;而就動態而言,善群惡群可互變,其他中間屬性兩類,亦可變好變壞。亦即不同屬性的人類大小群體,具有不同的群性氣質,甚至有善性與惡性之別。故群性的教育必定要有合理的準則可依循,否則必定會窒礙合理的個性或群性發展。就史實而言,自古迄今人類對群性教育與群性文化的努力仍嫌不足,方向仍有偏失。社會上及國際間大小團體或族群,仍充滿「我群—他群」或「我群—它群」,甚至於「它—它」群之歧視對抗、殺代爭戰。這種把人不當人的新戰國亂象,確實值得反省。教育有病;文化也有病。如果反教育與反文化的現象,充斥國際間,希求合理的群性教育,就直如緣木求魚。或謂人類文教活動只能為人類命運擔負部分責任,而非全部。自然因素之天災地變、瘟疫荒歉、或風調雨順,對人群命運確有部分生剋作用。然而,物種演化迄今,只有人類有能力大規模的破壞生態與「殺地球」(ecocide and geocide)。總而言之,不管是文教或自然因素,人類大小群體命運之隆替,其職責十之八九,應該且可以由人群自負(歐陽教,民81)。
Men are both unsocial and social;education therefore should develop individuality and sociability. A sound development of individuality is not necessarily incompatible with a reasonable sociability education. Since our world is still a mad world, the enterprise of sociability education intranationally or internationally so far has been proved to be a failure. This paper critically scrutinizes the concepts, the criteria, the problems and strategies of sociability and sociability education. Foggy as the concepts of sociableness or sociability education is, it is, even as an educational slogan, too important to neglect in this new era of warring states, politically or economically. As to the criteria for such an education, the reasonable playfulness and favourable seriousness are, interalia, propounded Moreover, some positive and negative strategies are recommended to cure our problems in culture and education, such as more peace and less unjust wars, more reasonable cooperation and less vicious competition......etc.
Men are both unsocial and social;education therefore should develop individuality and sociability. A sound development of individuality is not necessarily incompatible with a reasonable sociability education. Since our world is still a mad world, the enterprise of sociability education intranationally or internationally so far has been proved to be a failure. This paper critically scrutinizes the concepts, the criteria, the problems and strategies of sociability and sociability education. Foggy as the concepts of sociableness or sociability education is, it is, even as an educational slogan, too important to neglect in this new era of warring states, politically or economically. As to the criteria for such an education, the reasonable playfulness and favourable seriousness are, interalia, propounded Moreover, some positive and negative strategies are recommended to cure our problems in culture and education, such as more peace and less unjust wars, more reasonable cooperation and less vicious competition......etc.