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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education


本研究主要目的在調查國中生物質濫用行為,同時探討社會心理學因素、家庭因素與物質濫用行為之關係。以臺灣地區國中生為母群體,以二階段分層抽樣法進行抽 樣,以班級為單位,利用自填式結構水行資料收集,共得有效樣本5956名。本研究重要結果如下: 1.國中生每個月至少吸菸1-2次以上者佔11.3%。以性別來看時,每個月至少吸菸1-2次的學生,男生有14.5%,女生有8.0%,男生吸菸情形顯 著較女生為高。以年級來看時,每個月至少吸菸1-2次的學生,一年級有9.4%,二年級有10.9%,三年級有13.9%顯示吸菸行為有隨年級而增加之趨 勢,且三年吸吸菸情形顯著高於一、二年級。 2.國中生每個月至少吸食安非他命1-2次以上者佔0.5%。以性吸來看時,每個月至少吸食安非他命1-2次的學生,男生有0.5%,女生有0.4%, 男、女生吸食安非他命情形無顯著差異。以年級來看時,每個月至少吸食安非他命1-2次的學生,一年級有0.6%,二年級有0.55,三年級有0.4%, 一、二、三年級吸常安非他命情形無顯著差異。 3.影響欲酒行為因素的探討發現:與同學相比自己覺得較有偏差行為、對偏差行為的忍受程度愈高、同儕關係愈良好、自己對同儕壓力的感受性愈強、父母對孩子 的關心與鼓厲勵愈少、對父母管教的遵從度愈低、與父母相處愈不愉快者,則愈會有飲酒行為。 4.影響吸菸行為因素的探討發現:與同學相比自己覺得較有偏差行為、對偏差行為的忍受程度愈高、同儕關係良好、自己對同儕壓力的感受性愈強、對父母管教的 遵從度愈低者,則愈會有吸菸行為。 5.影響吸食安非他命因素的探討發現:對偏差行為的忍受程度愈高、對父母管教的遵從度愈低者,則會有吸食安非他命的行為。 6.影響國中生飲酒、吸菸、吸食安非他命行為的跑素並不相同,有其共同的影響因素,也有不同的影響因素。
The purpose of this study was to exam the substance abuse behavior and variables affecting substance abuse behavior among junior high school students, including psychosocial and family factors. The participants chosen by cluster sampling method were 5956 junior high school students who were asked to respond to a self-reported questionnaire. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.11.3% of junior high school students smoked cigarettes at least one or two times a month. There were significant differences in gender and grades. The proportion of smoking cigarettes at least once or twice a month among male and female students were 14.5% and 8.0%, while the proportion among the 7th, 8th and 9th graders were separately 9.4%, 10.9%and 13.9%. 2.0.5% of junior high school students used amphetamines at least one or two times a month. There were no significant differences in gender and grades. The proportion of using amphetamines at least once or twice a month among male and female students were 0.5%and 0.4%, while the proportion among the 7th, 8th and 9th graders were separately 0.6%, 0.5%and 0.4%. 3.Students with stronger deviant self-image, more tolerance of deviance, better peer relation, more tolerance of peer pressure, more parental nurturance, less parental monitoring, less family adjustment were likely to have higher drinking behavior. 4.Students with stronger deviant self-image, more tolerance of deviance, better peer relation, more tolerance of peer pressure, less parental monitoring were likely to have higher smoking cigarettes. 5.Students with more tolerance of deviance, less parental monitoring were likely to have higher amphetamines use. 6.The factors are not the same for affecting substance abuse behavior of junior high school students.







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