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摘要 本研究旨在探討台北市國中生法律知識與法治態度現況,並探討其相關之因素。本研究以台北市國中生為研究對象,採調查研究法,抽取台北市20所國中,有效樣本1,143名。施測問卷為筆者參考相關資料編輯而成的「台北市國中生法律知識與法治態度之調查問卷」。問卷在探討學校、年級、性別、興趣、收看新聞時間、家人談論電視話題時間、媒體幫助、學校幫助、幹部經驗、家庭讀書環境等變項在學生的法律知識與法治態度上是否有顯著影響,並分析可能之影響因素。 本研究將調查所得資料,依百分比、次數分配,單因子變異數分析、卡方適合度檢定及皮爾森等統計方法進行考驗分析,研究發現如下: 一、法律知識方面 (一)台北市國中學生的法律知識整體而言,表現略差。 (二)台北市國中學生之法律知識,女生優於男生,但未達顯著差異。 (三)台北市國中學生之法律知識在學校、年級、興趣、收看新聞報導時間、家人討論新聞話題時間、媒體幫助、學校老師幫助、幹部經驗、家庭讀書環境方面,存有顯著差異。 二、法治態度方面 (一)台北市國中學生的法治態度趨於積極正向。 (二)台北市國中學生之法治態度,二年級和三年級並無顯著差異。 (三)台北市國中學生之法治態度,在性別、興趣、收看新聞報導時間、家人討論新聞話題時間、媒體幫助、學校幫助、幹部經驗、讀書環境方面有顯著差異。 三、台北市國中學生法律知識與法治態度呈現低度正相關 四、根據上述研究發現,提出以下幾點建議: (一)營造良好的家庭讀書環境以提升學生學習效能。 (二)重視家庭與媒體的社會化功能,陪伴子女收看新聞報導節目,予與適時機會教育。 (三)充實教學內涵,提升學生對法律學習的興趣與意願。 (四)加重青少年相關法律課程之比例。 (五)提供教師更多元、更便利之進修學習管道。 (六)重視學生生活適應能力之培養。 關鍵詞:國中生、法律知識、法治態度、法律文化
Abstract The purpose of this research is to delve into the status quo about the legal knowledge and legal attitude junior high students in Taipei City have possessed and embraced as well as further explores into the related influencing factors. Junior high students selected from 20 senior high schools in Taipei City were the research subjects, and this research adopts analytic method of investigation as the research method with 1,143 valid samples collected. The questionnaire titled “Questionnaire Survey on the Legal Knowledge and Legal Attitude Junior of High Students in Taipei City,” created by referring to related information, aims to find out if variables, such as school, grade, gender, interest, time to watch TV news, time to discuss the TV issues about legal affairs between family members, media assistance, school assistance, experience as the cadre and learning environment at home, would show significant influence on students’ legal knowledge and legal attitude, furthering to analyze the possible influencing factors. This research adopts percentage, frequency allocation, one-way ANOVA, Chi-square Goodness of Fit Test and Pearson statistics to conduct the analysis of the collected information to bring out the findings given below: 1. Legal Knowledge (1) Overall, junior high students in Taipei City show slightly poorer legal knowledge. (2) Junior high girls in Taipei City are superior to their counterparts, the junior high boys, in possessing legal knowledge, but it shows significant differences. (3) It shows significant differences in the respect of legal knowledge junior high students in Taipei City possess in terms of grade, interest, media assistance, teachers’ assistance, experience as the cadre and learning environment at home. 2. Legal Attitude (1) Junior high students in Taipei City embrace active and positive legal attitude. (2) It shows no significant differences between second and third graders of junior high schools in Taipei City in legal attitude they embrace. (3) It shows significant differences in legal attitude junior high students in Taipei City embrace in terms of gender, interest, time to watch TV news, time to discuss the TV issues about legal affairs between family members, media assistance, school assistance, experience as the cadre and learning environment at home. 3. It presents lower level of positive correlations between legal knowledge and legal attitude possessed and embraced by junior high students in Taipei City. 4. This research further gives the following suggestions based on the preceding findings: (1) Create a good learning environment at home to facilitate students’ learning effect. (2) Value the socialization of family and media and accompany children to watch TV news to find timely opportunity for an education. (3) Strengthen teaching connotations and work arduously to facilitate the development of students’ willingness and interest in legal learning. (4) Increase the ratio of legal curriculum available for juveniles in their learning. (5) Offer teachers more diversified and convenient channels for advanced learning. (6) Value the cultivation of students’ ability to adapt to life. Key words :Junior High Students, Legal Knowledge, Legal Attitude, Legal Culture.



國中生, 法律知識, 法治態度, 法律文化, Junior High Students, Legal Knowledge, Legal Attitude, Legal Culture

