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學校除了是知識學習的地方,也是個人學習如何融入群體與人相處的場所。近年校園霸凌事件層出不窮,有日益升高之趨勢,校園不再是友善安全的地方。教育部也於各級學校進行反霸凌宣示友善校園週,以防杜校園霸凌文題的日益惡化。藉此讓學生認識什麼是霸凌,但霸凌事件仍層出不窮,因此輔導室的功能顯得相對重要。 正面的學校氣氛也能有效的預防學生的不良行為,校內的環境對學生也有潛移默化的作用。故本研究藉由環境來影響行為的環境視覺設計(Environmental Graphic Design)作為反霸凌議題的表現,期待能以更吸引人及更具效率的方式來宣導反霸凌的思想。 本研究在文獻探討將分成校園霸凌、環境與行為及環境視覺設計三部分做探討。校園霸凌將從其種類、成因、現況進行討論;環境與行為將探討學生行為與校園環境的關係;環境設計將從其歷史、種類以及案例研究切入。另從輔導室環境視覺規劃內涵、輔導及青少年審美喜好的面向切入個案討論。 本研究就現有中學之輔導室進行觀察描述,找出可融入議題的區域並提出初步的改善提案,期能以顯易懂及具吸引力的方式,讓學生能夠在校園環境中討論霸凌議題以反思。目的是為了讓學生從與環境視覺的互動上,吸收反霸凌所欲傳遞的理念及意義,進而導向相互尊重與合作的正向學習。
In Taiwan, Campus Security Report Center, Ministry of Education endeavors to prevent bullying at school. However, more and more school bullies still call people’s attention to campus security. This purpose of this action research is to explore the outcome of anti-bullying intervention program conducted on teenagers. The main objective of this program is to reduce and prevent bullying within the school physical environment. School climate play a vita role in preventing teenagers’ negative behavior , therefore, establishing and sustaining a school environment will free of harassment and bullying. Meanwhile, a lots of researches indicate that hidden curriculum its influence on students behavior outcome. Thus, this study focus on how environmental visual design influence behavior. Based on the proper concerns about the public issues and the feature of school bullying, this study aimed to analysis the connection between physical environment, behavior and graphic design, to discuss the definition and characteristics of environmental graphic design. This study changed from the single visual technique of expression to multiple, using environmental graphic design to carry out the thinking and explore opinions that would otherwise be overlooked and unmentioned.



環境視覺設計, 校園霸凌, 環境與行為, anti-bullying, environmental graphic design, environment and behavior

