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本文旨在介紹台灣六十年 (1946~2005) 來楚辭研究之概況。全文分四部分:其一,台灣學者楚辭專著簡介;其二,台灣楚辭碩、博士論文簡介;其三,台灣楚辭專家研究成果簡介;其四,中國及海外學者在台出版之楚辭著作簡介。透過以上的介紹,一則可知台灣師範大學對台灣楚辭研究所作出的貢獻;再則有助於中國學界對台灣楚辭研究有較全面的認識;三則提供有意研究楚辭之學者知所取資。
This thesis is for the purpose of introducing the survey of study on “Chu Tzu” in 60 years (1946~2005) in Taiwan. The full text divides into four parts: First, a brief introductions of the specialized work on “Chu Tzu” from Taiwanese scholars; Second, a brief introductions of thesis of master and Phd. degree on “Chu Tzu” in Taiwan; Third, a brief introductions of the achievements from Taiwanese experts in “Chu Tzu”; Fourth, a brief introductions on “Chu Tzu” books published in Taiwan that are written by scholars in China or overseas other than Taiwan. Through the above-mentioned introductions, the contribution to the research of “Chu Tzu” from National Taiwan Normal University is realized; moreover, it is helpful to the Chinese academic circle to have a more comprehensive understanding of the achievements of “Chu Tzu” study in Taiwan; finally, it provides informations for the scholars who intend to study “Chu Tzu”.
This thesis is for the purpose of introducing the survey of study on “Chu Tzu” in 60 years (1946~2005) in Taiwan. The full text divides into four parts: First, a brief introductions of the specialized work on “Chu Tzu” from Taiwanese scholars; Second, a brief introductions of thesis of master and Phd. degree on “Chu Tzu” in Taiwan; Third, a brief introductions of the achievements from Taiwanese experts in “Chu Tzu”; Fourth, a brief introductions on “Chu Tzu” books published in Taiwan that are written by scholars in China or overseas other than Taiwan. Through the above-mentioned introductions, the contribution to the research of “Chu Tzu” from National Taiwan Normal University is realized; moreover, it is helpful to the Chinese academic circle to have a more comprehensive understanding of the achievements of “Chu Tzu” study in Taiwan; finally, it provides informations for the scholars who intend to study “Chu Tzu”.