

摘 要 基於國中教師在國民教育歷程中扮演重要的角色。本研究乃從正面角度來探討國中教師所感受到的幸福感程度,並探究影響國中教師幸福感的相關因素。 研究之主要目的如下:一、瞭解國中教師的幸福感之現況;二、探究國中教師幸福感的影響因素:(一)性別與幸福感的關係;(二)婚姻狀態與幸福感的關係;(三)休閒滿意度與幸福感的關係;(四)任教年資與幸福感的關係;(五)擔任職務與幸福感的關係;(六)任教領域與幸福感的關係;(七)內外控人格特質與幸福感的關係;(八)社會支持與幸福感的關係;三、探究國中教師的背景變項、內外控人格特質、社會支持對幸福感的聯合預測力。基於研究動機與目的,進而探究國內外相關文獻資料,加以歸納整理分析幸福感的意涵、理論、影響因素以及相關研究,以作為實證研究的理論基礎。 本研究採問卷調查法,樣本乃抽取台灣本島北中南東四區之國中教師得有效樣本948名,研究工具為「國中教師幸福感量表」、「內外控信念量表」以及「教師社會支持量表」,將問卷所得資料加以量化,資料處理乃採取描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費法事後比較、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析。 主要研究發現: 一、國中教師的幸福感現況接近於中上程度,主要以「樂觀」層面感受較深。 二、不同性別國中教師之幸福感整體及其各層面無顯著差異。 三、不同婚姻狀態的國中教師,在幸福感之「工作成就」層面有顯著差異。 四、國中教師之休閒滿意度與幸福感整體及其各層面之間有顯著相關。 五、不同任教年資的國中教師,在幸福感之「正向情緒」、「工作成就」層面有顯著差異。 六、不同擔任職務的國中教師,在「幸福感」整體及其「正向情緒」與「工作成就」層面有顯著差異。 七、不同任教領域的國中教師之幸福感整體及其各層面無顯著差異。八、不同內外控人格特質的國中教師,在幸福感整體及其各層面有顯著差異。 九、國中教師之社會支持與幸福感整體及其各層面有顯著差異及相關。 十、國中教師的社會支持程度、休閒滿意度、內外控人格特質能聯合預測「幸福感」整體。 最後根據研究結果,提出結論及具體建議,做為輔導教師心理健康與提昇教師幸福感之參考。
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the subjective well-being of junior high school teachers’ and related factors including gender, martial status, leisure satisfaction, seniority, office duty, teaching field, internal/external locus of control and social support. The research used a questionnaire entitled “Questionnaire to survey junior high school teachers’ subjective well-being” and the subjects of survey were junior high school teachers in Taiwan selected through stratified sampling. 948 effective samples were received. The data were collected and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The major findings were as follows: 1. The overall degree of subjective well-being for junior high school teacher in Taiwan was above average, and they scored highest in the “positive cognition” section. 2. There was no significant gender difference among the junior high school teachers in terms of positive affect, positive cognition, life satisfaction, sense of achievement from working and subjective well-being 3. There was significant difference in the junior high school teachers’ sense of achievement from working with different martial status. 4. There were significant positive correlations between leisure satisfaction and the junior high school teachers’ subjective well-being. 5. The junior high school teachers’ positive affect and sense of achievement from working varied significantly with seniority. 6. There was significant difference in the junior high school teachers’ positive affect, sense of achievement from working and subjective well-being with different office duties. 7. There was no significant difference in the junior high school teachers’ positive affect, positive cognition, life satisfaction, sense of achievement from working and subjective well-being with different teaching fields. 8. There was significant difference in the junior high school teachers’ positive affect, positive cognition, life satisfaction, sense of achievement from working and subjective well-being between internal/external locus of control. 9. The more social support a teacher receives, the higher the subjective well-being he or she has; there were significant positive correlations between support form and the junior high school teachers’ subjective well-being. 10. The variables of social support, leisure satisfaction and internal/external locus of control can forecast the junior high school teachers’ subjective well-being. According to the study outcomes, some concrete suggestions were offered as references for the junior high school teachers, the Ministry of Education, the school administration and correlated studies in the future



國中教師, 幸福感, 內外控人格特質, 社會支持, junior high school teacher, subjective well-being, internal/external locus of control, social support





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