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摘 要 現代創意與美學經濟所強調的是「以創意設計之美,創造經濟上的附加價值」。在室內設計產業裡,要提高作品的附加價值,獲得使用者的偏好,「創意」與「美感」這兩個因素是重要關鍵。本研究的核心即在探討對於室內設計作品之「創意評量」、「美感判斷」與「視覺偏好」這三個變項的關係;主要研究目的包括: (1)解讀室內設計作品其創意評量及美感判斷構成因素之屬性與特徵。 (2)探討不同屬性之個人對於室內設計作品之創意評量、美感判斷以及視覺偏好的情形,並檢定其差異。 (3)分析創意評量、美感判斷與視覺偏好三變項及其構成因素彼此間之相關程度。 (4)分析個人屬性、創意評量、美感判斷對於視覺偏好的解釋力。 (5)分析創意評量與美感判斷對於視覺偏好之影響途徑。 本研究採用了德懷術與焦點團體法,以及量化的相關研究法;經以自行發展的實景照片問卷對1041位大學生施測後,將調查所得資料,運用電腦統計軟體SPSS及LISREL,進行探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析、複核效度檢驗、描述性統計、差異檢定、以及皮爾森積差相關、多元廻歸、路徑分析等,結果發現: (1)創意評量與美感判斷各由7個因素所組成,每個因素各有其獨特的心理屬性與視覺特徵。 (2)在創意評量、美感判斷與視覺偏好三變項的全部28個因素中,不同性別在7個因素、不同年級別在13個因素、不同系別在17個因素上呈現顯著差異。 (3)創意評量、美感判斷與視覺偏好三變項的組成因素其兩兩之間的相關係數全部均達p<.01(雙尾)的顯著水準。 (4)美感因素及系別等7個變項聯合共可解釋視覺偏好54.6%的變異量。 (5)創意評量與美感判斷對於視覺偏好的各影響路徑,其解釋力依序是「美感判斷→視覺偏好」大於「創意評量→美感判斷」大於「創意評量→美感判斷→視覺偏好」;然而,「創意評量→視覺偏好」並無顯著解釋力。 最後,本研究依據研究結果提出對於設計教學、設計實務以及學術研究之建議。期望本研究能有助於室內設計領域對於相關主題的瞭解、累積相關研究成果、並補創造力研究在有關創意作品特徵研究方面之不足。
Abstract Today’s creative and aesthetic economy has strongly emphasized the additional economic values generated by the beauty of creative designs. In the interior design industry, creativity and aesthetics are two key components to add additional values and win users preference. The main core of this research is to explore the relationship among variables in creativity evaluation, aesthetic judgment and visual preference about interior design works. The purposes of this research include: (1) Interpretation of psychological attributes and visual qualities of people’s creativity evaluation and aesthetic judgment about interior design works. (2) Exploration of different creativity evaluations, aesthetic judgments and visual preferences between subjects of different sexes, graders and departments. (3) Analysis of the relationship among creativity evaluation, aesthetic judgment and visual preference, and the correlations between each two factors of these three variables. (4) Analysis of the explained variance for visual preference. (5) Analysis of the path of creativity evaluation and aesthetic judgment affecting visual preference. The applied research methods include the qualitative Delphi and Focus Groups techniques, and the quantitative correlational study. A sampling investigation was conducted using 1041 college students. A self-developed questionnaire with photographs of interior environments was used. The collected data was analyzed with SPSS and LISREL software, applying such techniques as exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, cross-validation, descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson γ, multiple regression, and path analysis. The results include: (1) Each of creativity evaluation and aesthetic judgment consists of 7 factors; each factor has unique psychological attributes and visual qualities. (2) The t-test reveals that, out of a total of 28 factors of creativity evaluations, aesthetic judgments and visual preferences, sexes differ significantly in 7 factors, graders differ significantly in 13 factors, and departments differ significantly in 17 factors. (3) The Pearson r analysis shows that correlation coefficients between each two factors of the 18 factors are significant at p<.01 (two-tailed) level. (4) Multiple regression analysis reveals 7 predictive variables accounting for 54.6% of total explained variance. (5) Path analysis of creativity evaluation and aesthetic judgment affecting visual preference reveals the rank of path coefficient is: “aesthetic evaluation → visual preference”>“creativity evaluation → aesthetic judgment”>“creativity evaluation → aesthetic judgment → visual preference”. However, “creativity evaluation → visual preference” is not significant. Based on the findings, this study proposes suggestions for teaching and design practices, and future academic research. The result of this pioneer research is expected to be helpful to gain a deeper understanding of creativity and aesthetic related issues, and can be supplemental to empirical studies on the visual qualities of creative works.



創意評量, 美感判斷, 視覺偏好, 室內設計, creativity evaluation, aesthetic judgment, visual preference, interior design





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