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本論文的研究目的是為瞭解大專健康促進學校計畫執行之情形,運用RE-AIM模式的五個層面進行評價,針對2017年大專健康促進學校計畫執行之成果報告以文本分析和質性訪談,以立意取樣篩選出十所學校,運用RE-AIM模式來探討並瞭解大專健康促進計畫一般學校與得獎學校之間的差異情形。 本論文研究發現健康促進計畫在一般學校執行情形在涵蓋面無法全校性推廣,對象侷限在教職員工及學生;在有效面,一般學校無法使用量化數據呈現結果;採納面則校內跨處室合作不易,而實施面推行方式單一;在維持面認為若缺乏經費,議題推行困難。而得獎學校在涵蓋面,推行對象包含教職員工、學生及廣泛社區民眾;善用網路通訊媒體增加涵蓋面及有效面,成果皆能使用量化數據呈現;在採納面計畫受校內主管重視並且主動參與,跨處室合作,計畫實施方式多元,在維持面得獎學校表示依據推行經驗和已建立的健康生活型態,即使沒有經費補助亦能持續辦理。僅以本研究之結果提供建議,作為未來推動大專校院健康促進計畫執行之參考。
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the implementation of health promotion programs at universities and colleges based on the five dimensions of the RE-AIM framework. Textual analysis from the Outcome Evaluation Report of the College Health Promotion Programs in 2017 and qualitative interviews with purposive sampling were employed to examine and compare the differences of health promotion programs between those that were awarded and those that were not. Findings of the study were as follows. On the Reach dimension, non-awaded schools failed topromote programs widely and only reached out to faculty, staff and students; on the Effectiveness dimension, results were not quantitatively presented; on the Adoption dimension, collaboration across departments encountered difficulties; on the Implementation dimension, the delivery was monotonous; on the Maintenance dimension, these schools attributed the difficulty to raise the awareness. On the contrary, awarded schools also outreached to the community and took advantage of internet and media communications to enhance their effectiveness; on the Adoption dimension, campus administrators took programs seriously and participated in them while facilitating collaboration across departments and units on campus; on the Implementation dimension, programs were carried out in a diverse approach. On the Maintenance dimension, they continued to promote health programs based on prior experiences and healthy life styles previously established among individuals and in institutions. The study indicated several important implications and suggestions for universities in implementing their campus health programs in the future.



大專健康促進學校, RE-AIM模式, 文本分析法, Health Promoting Schools, RE-AIM Framework, Textual Analysis

