
dc.contributorChen Jui-Fuen_US
dc.contributor.authorYeh Chi-Yingen_US
dc.description.abstract高中棒球是我國學生三級棒球運動最重要的階段,然而高中棒球生態競爭極為激烈,每年近40支球隊同場競技,若學校未有好的組訓條件及策略,想要在列強中脫穎而出,可謂難如登天。本研究旨在瞭解台北縣立秀峰高中棒球運動代表隊組訓現況與組訓考量因素,以組訓為核心思考應如何突破現有狀況,發展成實際可執行的藍海策略;透過質性研究取向探究秀峰高中棒球隊組訓現況與需求及困境,以學校行政人員、教練及其他縣市公立高中棒球隊教練為研究對象,透過半結構式深度訪談,進行資料收集分析。獲致以下結論:一、行政方面:(一) 球隊首要建立共同願景,並將經營管理制度化。(二) 球隊需有組織領導者的支持與參與,行政運作上分層負責務實推行。(三) 設備完善的選手宿舍對招生是一大優勢。(四) 推廣基層棒球運動之首要為棒球訓練場地的興建。二、訓練方面: (一) 教練的投入程度是組訓的關鍵因素,球隊訓練需確實執行。(二) 將品德教育融入選手生活管理。(三) 依訓練計畫目標作績效評估,課業與升學輔導兼顧並重。(四) 加強球員生涯規劃概念。三、社會資源方面:(一) 除了爭取縣市政府經費補助,應積極尋求企業贊助或建教合作。(二) 應善加整合運用社區資源。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe baseball game in senior high school is the most important period in the three-stage baseball game for students in Taiwan. However, there is keen competition in senior high school baseball games, with nearly 40 teams fiercely contesting every year. If schools do not have good conditions and strategies of organizational training, it would be very difficult to defeat others and become the winner. The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation of the baseball team training in Taipei County Sioufong High School and the factors to be considered, and to think about how to make a breakthrough based on the organizational training to develop into practical and feasible Blue Ocean Strategy. Through a qualitative research approach, this paper investigates the current situation of Sioufong High School’s Baseball Team, as well as its needs and difficulties. The research adopts semi-structured in-depth interview to collect and analyze the data, with school administrators, coaches, and the baseball team coaches in other public schools as research subjects. This paper will come out the following conclusions: 1.Administration and Management: (1)To build a common vision for an athletic team is essential.To execute a systematic administration and management for an athletic team is a must. (2)Top leadership should support and participate the athletic team.All the operations of the athletic team should be through the administration organization. (3) Well-equipped dorms for team players would be dominant advantage to recruit students. (4) Building baseball training fields is a prerequisite for promoting baseball games at the basic level. 2.Training: (1) The degree of coach involvement is a key factor of organizational training, and the team training should be truly implemented. (2)Integrity education should be incorporated into daily life management strictly for the athletic team. (3)Review KPI(Key Performance Index)periodically for the athletic team.Wellacademically study and enter good university school are important to the players also. (4) To enhance the players concept of career planning. 3. Social Resources: (1) To acquire more funding support from governments for the athletic team and to positively seek corporate sponsorship and cooperative education. (2)To integrate all the social resources for the athletic team.en_US
dc.subjectSioufong High Schoolen_US
dc.subjectAthletic teamen_US
dc.subjectorganizational trainingen_US
dc.subjectBlue Ocean Strategyen_US
dc.titleAn Research on the Organization and Training and Strategy in Taipei County Sioufong High School Baseball Teamen_US

