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學生事務工作領域之教職員生之學生權利認知與態度調查研究 - 以中部一所科技大學為例 摘 要 本研究旨在了解中部某科技大學教師、職員及學生在校園中有關學生權利的認知及態度之現況及其差異等情形,以利學生事務工作之推行。本研究對象採取分層立意取樣。研究工具為自編問卷,教職員部分共計發出六十份,問卷回收率為93.3%,可用率為98.2%。學生部份共發出八百二十三份問卷,問卷回收率為96.5%,可用率為98.2%。調查結果以平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、簡單回歸及典型分析等統計方法進行分析。 結果,該校在大學生之認知方面:1.大學生對於自由權的認知較為薄弱;2.在受益權及一般法律常識面向上曾任幹部之大學生比未曾任幹部者更為認知清晰;3.低社經地位之大學生較高家庭社經地位者重視社會公平正義相關問題。態度方面:1.在「受益權」與「程序正義權」上最為重視;2.低年級大學生較高年級更重視學生權利;3. 人文學院則較其他學院更為重視與積極。在教職員之認知方面:1.教職員對於學生權利之了解除自由權外,對其他權利之認識,有較學生高程度之認識與理解;2.除性別及信仰外,教職員不因其不同背景因素而有顯著差異。態度方面:1.教職員態度在「程序正義」及「受益權」之量尺平均數最高;2.除不同性別之教職員對學生權利態度各面向之差異外,而於受益權、程序正義及一般法律常識面向上達顯著差異,其餘各項不因其他背景之不同而有顯著差異。 該校大學生在學生權利各面向的認知對態度之認知與態度間之相關係數皆為顯著正相關。教職員則皆為正相關,惟皆不顯著。在對學生權利各面向的認知對態度者有具統計意義之解釋力。大學生價值觀與態度各面向之間有顯著典型相關。基於上述發現,本研究提出相關建議供教育行政主管機關、學生輔導人員與未來研究者參考,以利學生事務工作之推行。 關鍵字:學生權利  學生事務 
The Cognition and Attitude of Student Rights for Student Affairs ---A study on the staffs and students at a university of science and technology in the middle Taiwan Abstract This study aims at discovering the present situation of the cognition and attitude of student rights in relation to student affairs at one of the universities of science and technology in the middle Taiwan. The stratified purposive sampling was used to select the subjects of the research. The questionnaire is used, to the effect that 60 ones were sent to the faculty and administrative personnel as the result of the response rate of 93.3% and the valid rate of 98.2%. Moreover, 823 ones were sent to students in the campus, and had the response rate of 96.5% and valid rate of 98.2%. The figures were analyzed by statistic methods, such as mean, standard deviation, t test, one-way ANOVA, single regression and typical analysis. For students, the results of the cognition of student rights are: 1. college students have weaker awareness of liberty rights; 2. students who used to be group chiefs have clear understandings of beneficial rights and general legal knowledge; 3. students from families of the low social status value social justice and fairness higher than those from the high social status. In addition, the result of the attitudes is: 1. “beneficial rights” and “due process of law” were mostly emphasized; 2. students from the lower grades value more on student rights than those from higher ones; 3. the students from the college of the humanities are more serious and positive about student rights. For staffs, the results are: 1. Exception of liberty rights, all the staffs had higher understandings of student rights in general; 2. there was no significant difference about the cognition of student rights in relation to the background of the staffs except for genders and religious beliefs. The attitudes of the staffs with respect of student rights are: 1. they scored higher on “due process of law” and “beneficial rights”; 2. with regard to gender background, it diverged greatly over the attitudes towards beneficial rights, the due process of law and general legal knowledge. College students were of significant positive correlations between the cognition and the attitudes about student rights. Staffs showed the same results. There were significant typical correlations between the values and attitudes of college students. Based on the findings, some suggestions of student affairs are propose to the university. Keyword: Student rights Student Affairs



學生權利, 學生事務, Student rights, Student Affairs





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