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摘要: 在設計上,對文化符碼的指稱,特別重視圖像符碼與圖像符號的「象徵意涵」與「故事性」。象徵意涵是指圖像中的表層意義,圖像的故事性是指文化意涵中對於社會中所扮演的文化詮釋。但是所謂文化符碼並不單只研究物質符號(聲音、形象)意義的最小元素(意素),同時也研究這些「意素」的組合規則,以及組合後的「語句」在該文化中的「位置」。 本研究文化語碼實際應用於平面視覺傳達之設計上,基本上有兩個層面,一個層面在於考慮所欲傳達的「文化因素」,使所設定的符碼能契合本地社會文化;另一層面在於運用設計者自身的文化特質,轉化本土之文化語碼為具特色之符碼,期能達到特色之關注。若設計內涵能成功結合文化符碼,傳達出的形式與美學功能,將得以能塑造其獨特的設計風格。 將文化語碼另一層面的意涵,結合多重符碼的觀念,運用社會文化中「約定成俗」的文化語碼,轉化成現代視覺傳達設計的方法,達到豐富視覺傳達設計的多面性是為本研究之主軸。 所以此次的研究目的是探討在數位影像繪畫的研究發展下,設計創作中「社會關懷」與「自我認同」將有可能對創作的影像賦予更高的存在意義。本次研究將應用台灣諺語人文精神,借用與抽取歷史要素,運用復古、懷舊、鄉土、地方特色重新為台灣特有的本土人文風貌與保育現況,做一系列的形象海報設計。 關鍵字解釋:文化符碼-文化符碼指對語言現象以外,所有表達的規則與特性之文化解析工作的成果(摘自楊裕富1998設計的文化基礎)。 文化語碼-考慮該(特定)文化符碼因素(特別是商品所要打入的市場),融入在該(這樣)社會、文化下所產生的符碼(摘自楊裕富1998設計的文化基礎)。
Abstract: In design, the cultural symbol coding especially stresses the symbolic meaning and the story of images and image signs. The Symbolic meaning refers to the surface meaning of the image, while the story means the cultural annotation in the society. But the cultural symbol studies not only the smallest element of the meaning of material signs such as sounds and figures, but also its combination principles and the position of the locution after combination in the culture. In this thesis, the cultural symbol coding applied to graphic visual communication mainly focuses on two parts. First, considering the cultural elements attempted to express here, the symbol coding will correspond to our local culture. Second, by means of practicing the designer’s cultural background, our local cultural language code will be transformed into the symbol coding with special features, in the hope that it will receive the public attention. If design can be successfully combined with cultural symbol codings, a unique design style will then be created. And that is the purpose of this thesis, hoping to transform the common cultural language code in our society into a modern method of visual communication design and thus to broaden the many-sidedness of visual communication design. Ecological conservation is currently a very important government policy; likewise, Taiwanese culture also plays the role as the fundamental stone in our country’s culture development. The combination of Taiwanese proverbs and ecological conservation is just like the application of our local cultural characteristics to our country’s important policy. In this way, we can not only put ecological preservation into practice but continue our local cultural heritage as well.



文化符碼, 文化語碼, 台灣生態保育, 台灣諺語





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