台北市公立幼稚園教師對幼童採取腸病毒防治教學行為與其相關因 素研究
Abstract The purpose of this research concerns the application of a “Health Belief Model in an investigation on the factors influencing public kindergarten teachers in adopting enterovirus preventive measures for children. The survey is conducted by self-fulfilled questionnaire; the population is drawn from the public kindergarten teachers in Taipei city at 2006 school year. The sample is taken by probability ratio sample method. The total number of effective sample is 265. The major findings of the research are as follows: Most of the kindergarten teachers is senior. Most of the kindergarten teachers have university or above degree, teaching seniority is between 16 ~20 years. The majority of outer clue source is “I watched (listen) to the TV, video or broadcasting of enterovirus preventing measures”. The second of outer clue source is“I read health educational DM, booklets, books or magazines.” .The inner clue source research finding shows the sample lacks the experience of sending enterovirus infected children to hospitals. The health belief of research targets in self awareness in children enterovirus infections, severances and preventive effeteness are medium or above average. However, the self awareness of children enterovirous preventive obstacles is blow average. The distribution of research targets taken enterovirus preventive teachings to children is mostly between “often” and “always”. Generally speaking, the research targets take active actions toward enterovirus preventive measures. The higher scores in “self awareness to children infected by enterovirus”, “self awareness of the severity to children infected by enterovirus”, “self awareness of the effectiveness of enterovirus preventive measures to children” and more “action clue” in enterovirus prevention, the more enterovirus preventive teachings will be taken to children. The lower scores in “self awareness of obstacles to enterovirus preventive measures to children”, the more enterovirus preventive teachings will be taken to children. The total variance is 34.4% in explaining the enterovirus preventive teachings to children by research targets’ social-demographic variables, enterovirus preventive health belief and action clues. The most obvious predicted variables are “self awareness of obstacles to enterovirus preventive measures to children”, “seniority”, “self awareness of the effectiveness of enterovirus preventive measures to children” and “action clue”. The “self awareness of obstacles to enterovirus preventive measures to children” has the greatest standardized regression factors, which also means the greatest explanations to enterovirus preventive teachings to children.
Abstract The purpose of this research concerns the application of a “Health Belief Model in an investigation on the factors influencing public kindergarten teachers in adopting enterovirus preventive measures for children. The survey is conducted by self-fulfilled questionnaire; the population is drawn from the public kindergarten teachers in Taipei city at 2006 school year. The sample is taken by probability ratio sample method. The total number of effective sample is 265. The major findings of the research are as follows: Most of the kindergarten teachers is senior. Most of the kindergarten teachers have university or above degree, teaching seniority is between 16 ~20 years. The majority of outer clue source is “I watched (listen) to the TV, video or broadcasting of enterovirus preventing measures”. The second of outer clue source is“I read health educational DM, booklets, books or magazines.” .The inner clue source research finding shows the sample lacks the experience of sending enterovirus infected children to hospitals. The health belief of research targets in self awareness in children enterovirus infections, severances and preventive effeteness are medium or above average. However, the self awareness of children enterovirous preventive obstacles is blow average. The distribution of research targets taken enterovirus preventive teachings to children is mostly between “often” and “always”. Generally speaking, the research targets take active actions toward enterovirus preventive measures. The higher scores in “self awareness to children infected by enterovirus”, “self awareness of the severity to children infected by enterovirus”, “self awareness of the effectiveness of enterovirus preventive measures to children” and more “action clue” in enterovirus prevention, the more enterovirus preventive teachings will be taken to children. The lower scores in “self awareness of obstacles to enterovirus preventive measures to children”, the more enterovirus preventive teachings will be taken to children. The total variance is 34.4% in explaining the enterovirus preventive teachings to children by research targets’ social-demographic variables, enterovirus preventive health belief and action clues. The most obvious predicted variables are “self awareness of obstacles to enterovirus preventive measures to children”, “seniority”, “self awareness of the effectiveness of enterovirus preventive measures to children” and “action clue”. The “self awareness of obstacles to enterovirus preventive measures to children” has the greatest standardized regression factors, which also means the greatest explanations to enterovirus preventive teachings to children.
健康信念模式, 幼稚園教師, 腸病毒, 幼童