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學子們運用科技與資訊的能力提升後,所產生迷惘於虛擬與真實之間的管教困擾,常伴隨其成長呈現在家長與師生之間。有鑑於此,本研究由現象學理論出發,經文獻整理相關遊戲理論,進行線上遊戲的虛擬空間經驗之意識分析及其行為系統之探討,並參酌歐洲六國於2000年實施之ImpacT2評量所採用圖象式的現象學概念構圖分析法,作為本研究之藍本,尋求應用於模擬式教學遊戲上的可行策略。本研究以研究者任教國中之學生為對象,採行動研究方式於日常工作中進行本論題之研究。研究工具為「國中學生虛擬空間經驗調查問卷」,並以「我的電腦世界」為題所作之概念構圖,與深入訪談法之訪談大綱和訪談日誌實施研究。 經過問卷調查與量化分析概念構圖後,整理蒐集所得資料以性別、年級、家庭網路設備、學業成就為自變項,依待答問題設計之各依變項分別進行t-test、One-way Anova與Pearson關聯性檢定。結果發現家中提供寬頻設備、男性、學業成就較低之學生依賴虛擬空間程度較高;女生、學業成就高者在概念構圖之圖象表現較為複雜且細緻。研究結果經討論後分別對虛擬空間意識方面、遊戲認知方面、模擬式教學遊戲方面、網路功能使用方面、概念構圖方面、模擬式教學遊戲應用策略方面提出相關結論,並針對教師、家長和教育行政機關三方面,提出建議以改善現況並針砭未來,最後再提出後續研究建議。
Nowadays, students have great promotion on their information proficiency, but the fact that some of them are bewildered with virtual and real world has resulted in some problems to parents and teachers when guiding the young generation. Owing to the urgent situation, the researcher made the study after reviewing related references. The study is based on phenomenology and takes ImpacT2 - the project collaborated by six countries in Europe in 2000,as a blueprint to analyze students’ experience, consciousness and behavior system in cyberspace, thus to generalize the strategies applicable in simulating instructional gaming. The researcher made the action research in the school he works and collected data in everyday instruction. The data was collected from the survey questionnaire, concept mapping method, in-depth interview, and related references. In the study, gender, age, Internet facility, academic achievement were taken as independent variables; students’ response on the questionnaire items and performance on concept mapping as dependent variables. After making t-test, One-way Anova, and Pearson correlation test, the researcher got some findings: students who are male, with poorer academic achievement, or with broadband facility at home tend to indulge more seriously in cyberspace; students who are female or with better academic achievement tend to make more complicated and subtle concept mapping. The findings are generalized to make conclusions in cyberspace consciousness, game cognition, and the strategies of simulating instructional gaming. At last, the researcher made suggestions to teachers, parents, and educational administration organizations to improve the present situation; besides, to direct the way of future researches.



虛擬空間, 模擬式教學遊戲, 概念構圖, cyberspace, simulating instructional gaming, concept map





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