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捷運系統在民眾生活中占據了一個重要的位置,而捷運公共藝術呢?每天使用捷運系統的民眾,對於這些無言的藝術作品與裝置有什麼樣的認識?在擦肩而過的時刻是否也曾駐足瞭解、親近這些藝術作品與裝置,期望藉由此研究去發現民眾和捷運公共藝術的關係,進一步地讓民眾對生活裡的公共藝術有更多的關心與行動。 本研究著手於臺北捷運公共藝術民眾知覺之探討,利用問卷調查方式瞭解民眾對捷運公共藝術接觸的程度、民眾對捷運公共藝術認識的程度,並進行相關數據之交叉分析與比對。 本研究發現,搭乘頻率低、工作通勤、短程、轉乘、跨路線、多交通工具、便利性考量是使用捷運的民眾特徵;而民眾對於捷運車站內外的藝術品並不陌生,且肯定其增加環境美觀與心理舒適的功能,但又希望可以增加實用性、互動性;另外,民眾對於公共藝術的瞭解頗深,無論是公共藝術的意義、功能都十分瞭解,也對接觸公共藝術的類型與場所很清楚,並認為目前公共藝術缺乏相關的教育與推廣。 本研究歸納如下:一、民眾對捷運公共藝術有密切的接觸與需求,因此在設置、規劃、改善時需盡可能參酌民眾建議。二、捷運公共藝術除美化環境、提升心理舒適外,更應提高其實用性與互動性,真正做到民眾參與,而非單純僅是視覺的觀賞。三、捷運除交通功能外,更需加強非交通面向的附加價值,例如購物、休閒遊憩、藝術文化等。四、公共藝術的類型與展示場所應更多元與變化,以豐富民眾視野並拓展公共藝術的影響力。五、目前急需加強公共藝術的教育與推廣工作,並使公共藝術能真正落實於民眾日常生活中。
The Taipei MRT has become a part of the citizen’s life. What about the MRT public art? What does it mean to the public? What do commuters know about these quiet art work and facility? Have they stopped and appreciated these art work and facility? This research is to discover the connection between the public and Taipei MRT public art and to encourage the public to devote more care to and take more action in the public art in their lives. This research studied Taipei MRT public art and its public perception. It collected the data of how deep the public got involved in and knew about the MRT public art through questionnaires, then used the data for cross-analysis and comparison. This research has discovered that the traits of MRT commuters are low travel frequency, commute for work, short distance, transfer, cross-lines, multiple transportation and convenience. The artwork inside and outside of the MRT stations is not a stranger to the public. Furthermore, they recognize its functions of beatifying the environment and making people feel comfortable while wish it could be more practical and interactive. Meanwhile, the public knows quite well about the public art including its meaning and function. They also know about the type and location of the public art and think the public art is short of related education and promotion. To conclude this research: 1. The public has been close to the public art and has need of it. As a result, it is better to take the public’s feedback as a reference when designing, planning and improving the public art. 2. Other than beautifying the environment and comforting one’s heart, the MRT public art should be more practical and interactive so the public could be involved instead of solely watching. 3. The MRT needs side-value other than transportation, such as shopping, leisure, art and culture. 4. The type and display location of the public art should be more diverse and interesting to enrich the public’s field of vision and expand the public art’s influence. 5. It is urgent to improve the education and promotion of the public art so it would really be part of the public’s daily life.



臺北捷運, 公共藝術, 民眾知覺, Taipei MRT, public art, public perception

