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本研究旨在研究新北市立國民中學兼任行政職教師工作壓力與續任意願的現況,並且比較不同背景的兼任行政職教師在工作壓力知覺上以及續任意願影響因素之差異情形,以及了解兼任行政職教師工作壓力與續任意願之相關性。本研究以99學年度服務於新北市立國民中學之兼任行政職教師為研究對象,進行問卷調查研究。問卷資料採用描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析等方法進行統計分析。 本研究根據文獻探討與調查研究之分析,得到以下結論: 一、新北市立國民中學兼任行政職教師的工作壓力程度為普通,以「工作負荷」層面所感受到的壓力相對最高,在「學生表現」層面上感受到的工作壓力相較之下較低 二、新北市立國民中學兼任行政職教師在考量續任行政工作時,以「認同性」的影響程度相對最深 三、新北市立國民中學兼任行政職教師感受到愈大的工作壓力,則續任意願愈低 四、新北市立國民中學兼任行政職教師,其中資深的教師所感受到的工作壓力較低於資淺的教師;而在續任意願考量上,資深教師多以「認同性」、「投入性」、「期望性」等來自教師內在動力的影響因素為主 五、新北市立國民中學99學年度兼任行政職教師約有五成五願意續任行政工作 根據本研究之文獻探討以及研究結果分析與討論,提出建議如下: 一、對教育主管機關的建議 (一)減少公文與報表數量,減輕行政工作負荷 (二)辦理相關研習進修活動,提升行政專業知能 二、對學校單位的建議 (一)鼓勵正式教師勇於嘗試行政工作 (二)教育實習過程落實學校行政實務層面,以提前培育人才 三、對兼任行政職教師的建議 (一)體認行政工作價值,期許在兼任行政職的道路上能帶來自我成長,同時 也為學校帶來貢獻 (二)主動充實專業知能以提高自我辦理行政事務之能力,提升工作成果進而 增加工作成就感,同時提高續任之意願 (三)行政工作經驗傳承與延續 四、對後續研究者的建議 (一)研究方法方面,輔以質性研究 (二)研究對象方面,擴大研究範圍 (三)研究主題方面,增加不同變項以及深入研究不同處室之差異
The purpose of this study is to explore the current status of work stress and the willingness of reappointment as administrators of junior high school teachers with administrative positions in New Taipei City, and furthemore, to find the differences in work stress and the willingness of reappointment as administrators reflected by the sample’s background variables and the relationship between work stress and the willingness of reappointment as administrators. The population was targeted at junior high school teachers with administrative positions in New Taipei city in the academic year of 2010. This study took questionnaire survey as study tool and the data from the questionnaire were statistically analyzed and presented by descriptive statistics and analysis, independent-Sample t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s Correlation. The conclusions and suggestions of the research were described as follows: 1.The degree of the overall work stress that the junior high school teachers with administrative positions in theNew Taipei City bear was moderate, and the degree of “working load ” was ranked the highest and “student performance” was rated the lowest. 2.The degree of the “approval” affected the teachers with administrative positions most when they consider whether to be reappointed as administrators. 3.The more work stress they felt, the less willingness of reappointment as administrators they had. 4.The senior teachers with administrative positions cared about “approval”, ” investment” and “expectation” when considering the willingness of reappointment as administrators. 5. There is about 55% teachers with administrative positions are willing to have the administrative position in the next school year. According to this study, the researcher gave some suggestions as follows: 1. To Educational administrative authorities a. to reduce the quantity of archives and report, and the working load of teachers with administrative positions b. to hold further activity, and to promote teachers’ administrative knowledge and ability 2. To school concerned a. to encourage teachers to try to take administrative positions b. to make practice teaching process carries out the school administration practice 3.To teachers with administrative positions a. to understand the value of school administration work b. to promote the administrative ability and sense of working achievement themselves, and thus to raise their willingness of reappointment as administrators c. having the administrative work experience Inheritanted and extented 4. To future researchers a. in the aspect of research method, to supply with the qualitative research method b. in the aspect of research object, to expand the reacher scope c. in the aspect of research subject, to add more variables and de futher research on different offices in school.



兼任行政職教師, 工作壓力, 續任意願, teachers with administrative positions, work stress, the willingness of reappointment as administrators





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