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  本研究目的在於探究地方由下而上凝聚地方意識,透由生態博物館的建構歷程以展現地方實踐所獲得之成果,並以位於陽明山國家公園境內的八煙聚落為研究對象,採取民族誌、深度訪談法以及文件分析法作為本研究之研究方法。   研究者探究八煙聚落的地方發展歷程,研析瞭解其在不同階段的發展轉變,以及公私部門、第三部門及居民所建構的地方現狀,整理繪製地方在生活、生產與生態的發展運作模式圖;並利用生態博物館的理論為觀點,分析地方如何進行多元發展及進行著地方實踐,以及統整八煙聚落作為生態博物館所呈現之類型。   研究發現八煙聚落的居民普遍教育程度不高,加上位處山區,其與市區的生活接觸不頻繁,生活方面亦受國家公園的管制與保護。居民對於「博物館」的認識並不充足,甚至感到懼怕和距離遙遠之情,因此,居民雖然在體現生態博物館的建構工作,但其並不知曉其正在實踐生態博物館的理念。另外,居民對於地方的發展持有不同的觀點,這也反映居民對在地多元認同的情形,亦映照了不同機關與團體在地方從事輔導培力工作的軌跡,以及在願景不同下,不同的實踐過程,帶給居民不同的思維與現今所發生的撞擊。   本研究認為八煙聚落正在進行以生態博物館化為發展策略的地方新社會文化運動,研究者歸納以下三點結論:一、以居民為主的論述,貼近地方發展需要;二、居民有多元性的管道,表達對地方發展的意見;三、居民在衝突與協調的實踐中,能逐漸對地方產生認同感與光榮感。
  The purpose of research is to explore local awareness and demonstrate fulfillment of results through building eco-museums processes. We do the research on Bayien Village located in Yangmingshan National Park with ethnography, deep interviews and documentary analysis methods.   The investigators delve into Bayien Village development history and understand its changes at different stages, building local condition by public and private sectors, voluntary sectors and residents in order to map operation model of local life, manufacturing and ecological development.   They also regard Eco-museum theory as viewpoint to analyze how to create diverse development, fulfill local practice and integrate Bayien Village for Eco-museum demonstration.   From the research report, we find most of residents live in Bayien Village access unwell-educated due to location concerns so it’s not easy to contact with city and be regulated by National Park Act. Residents are un-sufficient to acquaint with “Museum” and cause the feelings of unfamiliar, even engaging in eco-museum constructing processes, they still can’t realize the reality of eco-museum fulfillment concept. Additionally, residents also possess of different viewpoint for local development, it’s been reflecting that residents not only accept local culture diversity but develop different thoughts and given the guidance and support to cultivate local affairs by various groups under different visions and fulfillment processes.   The research focuses on the point that resident start to recognize eco-museum as new social and culture movement in Bayien Village and make conclusions as below: 1. Seek residents’ opinion and understand local development demands. 2. Residents have right to express viewpoint for local development by multiple ways. 3. Residents will generate the sense of identity and honor gradually as handling conflict and coordination processes.



生態博物館, 地方實踐, 建構歷程, 八煙聚落, Eco-museum, Local practice, Constructing process, Bayien Village





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