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台北室內合唱團創立於1992年,除推廣合唱音樂文化外,亦致力於演繹現代合唱音樂,並多次於重要國際大賽中獲得優異成績,為臺灣近代優秀合唱團之一。體認到東方在現代合唱作品無論品質或數量上,都相較於西方遜色許多,因此為建立華人合唱現代音樂的創作質與量,於2006推出「合唱無設限計畫」至今,與世界華人優秀作曲家合作,創作富有當代藝術思維之人聲作品,並持續舉辦系列音樂會。 本文先藉由文獻整理,瞭解臺灣現今活躍之各合唱團運作現況,及臺灣近代合唱發展脈絡,再點出台北室內合唱團之「合唱無設限計畫」在各活躍合唱團運作中的獨特之處,體現出其典藏之意義,再收集「合唱無設限計畫」的準備、排練過程花絮及當代合唱音樂工作坊講座等素材,並以跟拍、訪談實地記錄計畫的流程,最後以影音製作的形式典藏其對於東方現代合唱音樂的發展貢獻。
Taipei Chamber Singers (TCS), founded in 1992, not only did they promote the art of choral music, but also has been dedicated to modern choral music with an advanced vision in recent years. They have won fifteen international awards and become one of the top vocal groups in Taiwan. In light of the modern choral music compositions in Asia being inferior to the West in both quality and quantity, In 2006, TCS launched the “Music Unlimited Program” and have now cooperated with outstanding Chinese composers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Malaysia. By striking up conversations between new thinking and new voice, this program signifies a new trend of Oriental choral music in the 21st century. A visionary music platform is built for modern choral arts through commissions, premieres, and publication of scores and video/audio products. The study, started from the arrangements of documents and records, comprehended the current operation of each choir and the development of Taiwan modern choral music. Therefore, the significance and distinctiveness of archiving the TCS “Music Unlimited Program” were discovered. Through interviewing and recording concerts of the “Music Unlimited Program”, the final result was displayed in the form of video, archiving its contribution of Eastern choral music development.



台北室內合唱團, 合唱無設限計畫, 影音製作, 典藏, Taipei Chamber Singers, Music Unlimited Program, video production, archive





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