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在21世紀知識經濟時代下,「知識」已成為現代經濟發展中重要核心資源,隨著網際網路的快速發展及資訊技術的普及下,人類藉由網路所獲取資訊更為容易快速。而政府在推動國民教育時,若能藉此打造E化國教行政資訊系統,運用知識管理模式來整合與改善國民教育行政決策傳播與行政效率將有助於教育改革與推動。本研究以國民教育行政傳播網為例,運用知識管理(Knowledge Management)策略來規劃系統平台,資料流程圖(Data Flow Diagram,DFD)來分析系統的資料流動與運作情況,實體關係模型(E-R Model)來擷取相關的內容與描述系統管理者層次結構,派翠西網路(Petri-Nets)分析網站系統管理者、國教司業務人員、各縣市教育局、各縣市網路中心、各縣市教師研習中心及各國中小行政人員等六者間的可能動態運作行為,藉此塑模出系統網站運作的動態機制,並轉置成為本網站系統管理與維護的控制架構與模式。利用樹狀結構方式,塑模出主題討論區角色層次。同時使用知識表徵技術(Knowledge Representation Techniques,KRT),可有效的擷取出「國民教育行政資訊傳播網站」相關的內容與描述系統角色間關係結構。運用資料採擷(Data Mining)技術可在發掘有用資訊或知識的一連串過程中,從資料萃取出有用的知識以提供實行決策分析與應用。運用貝氏統計模式(Bayes Probability Model,BPM) 來預測線上瀏覽者預測知識發現成功率的高低。研究中對分析瀏覽者在網站知識發現的行為路徑,有益於網站管理者在修正網站架構重要參考依據。對於知識被發現的機率高低,可作為資料維護者在資料上架時的考量因素之一。最後,運用Excel為工作平台的VBA技術設計一個行為路徑記錄分析收集器,及配合樞紐分析表分析各項資料,包括統計瀏覽器類型、統計瀏覽器版本、統計瀏覽者行為路徑、統計瀏覽者拜訪次數、統計網站每時、日、月流量等。對於分析瀏覽者的相關資訊,有助於系統管理者在維護與建置上的參考依據之一。
In the knowledge economy of 21st century, The topic of knowledge become the kernel in economic development. By Internet fast developing and informational technology universal, people gain easily the information on Internet. The Web site of the Department of Elementary and Junior high school Education (EJE) of ministry of education (MOE) has designed by eLearning and knowledge management model to improve the policy disseminated and administration efficiency that aid the education reform and push. The study in EJE is focused on kinds of technological tools, such as applying the knowledge management to plan system model, analyzing data flowing and operation condition of system by DFD, gaining content and describing the level of system manager by E-R Model, analyzing the dynamic relationships in Web site include of system administrators, staffs of EJE, so as to describe the dynamic behaviors of system Web site operation by Perti-Nets, planning the role level of topic issue room by tree structure, mining a lot of information and analyzing them with the help of technology, so as to find out the unknown and hidden data which may be very useful. Browser search tremendous information on Internet and discover knowledge for anticipation of success rate. It is important to deploy the structure of a knowledge website and create a data warehouse if the designer can understand the anticipation of searching path on information of success rate. It will also shorten searching information time for a browser. Bayes’ Probability Model is used to analyze website knowledge discover for anticipation of success rate to provide website designer or manager reference with the improvement web layer structure. Finally, the behavior analysis collector has designed by VBA of Excel and analyzed all kind of information, include in browser style statistics, browser version statistics, browser behavior path statistics, browser visiting statistics, flowing rate of Web on hour, day and month. All of browser information are good to maintain and deposit Web site for system manager.
In the knowledge economy of 21st century, The topic of knowledge become the kernel in economic development. By Internet fast developing and informational technology universal, people gain easily the information on Internet. The Web site of the Department of Elementary and Junior high school Education (EJE) of ministry of education (MOE) has designed by eLearning and knowledge management model to improve the policy disseminated and administration efficiency that aid the education reform and push. The study in EJE is focused on kinds of technological tools, such as applying the knowledge management to plan system model, analyzing data flowing and operation condition of system by DFD, gaining content and describing the level of system manager by E-R Model, analyzing the dynamic relationships in Web site include of system administrators, staffs of EJE, so as to describe the dynamic behaviors of system Web site operation by Perti-Nets, planning the role level of topic issue room by tree structure, mining a lot of information and analyzing them with the help of technology, so as to find out the unknown and hidden data which may be very useful. Browser search tremendous information on Internet and discover knowledge for anticipation of success rate. It is important to deploy the structure of a knowledge website and create a data warehouse if the designer can understand the anticipation of searching path on information of success rate. It will also shorten searching information time for a browser. Bayes’ Probability Model is used to analyze website knowledge discover for anticipation of success rate to provide website designer or manager reference with the improvement web layer structure. Finally, the behavior analysis collector has designed by VBA of Excel and analyzed all kind of information, include in browser style statistics, browser version statistics, browser behavior path statistics, browser visiting statistics, flowing rate of Web on hour, day and month. All of browser information are good to maintain and deposit Web site for system manager.
知識管理, 資料流程圖, 實體關係模型, 派翠西網路, 知識表徵技術, 資料採擷, 貝氏統計模式, Knowledge Management, Data Flow Diagram, E-R Model, Petri-Nets, Knowledge Representation Techniques, Data Mining, Bayes Probability Model