C. A. Bowers 文化共有/語言隱喻之生態教育思想探究

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This study investigates the cultural commons and language metaphor ecological educational theory of Bowers, The objects of the study includes: (1) To analyze Bowers critics and reflection on the issues of education and the ecological crisis. (2) To understand the sustainable cultural patterns in the ecological education theory of Bowers. (3) To interpret Bowers view of the role of language in the process of education. (4) To propose recommendations based on the findings above, considering current situation and development of education in Taiwan. Through Gadamer hermeneutics, the results includes: (1) Bowers formed his theory with the reflection of the connection between ecological crisis and education parctice in his time. His theory emphasis on the culture and language perspective of ecological crisis. (2) Bowers critique consumer culture, and proposed the cultural commons. Cutural commons has less dependent on the money, and the close relations of human and environment. (3) Based on the concept of language mataphor, Bowers studys the shaping and changing of cultural members thinking and values, and put forward to development sustainable ecological intelligence. (4) With the idea of Bowers, the educational aims and nature, curriculum, role of teacher still need to be imroved. The suggests includes: (1)Education aims must be based on the revitalizing of the commons, and education nature should be considered as ecology. (2)Curriculum should contain the local knowledge, and used orality based-language appropriately (3)Teacher’s professional should be based on the understanding of connection between cultural patterns and language metaphor.



Bowers, 生態教育, 文化共有, 語言隱喻, Bowers, ecological education, cultural commons, language metaphor





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