信仰捍衛者 - 極端金屬音樂如何到達了台灣 1990-2000

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雖然以前極端金屬音樂是地下文化當中的奇異現象,目前它絕對是一個每個人都可以享受的文化資源。毫無疑問,屬於極端金屬音樂類型的黑金屬,死亡金屬或鞭擊金屬都已經到達了世界的每一個角落。隨著網路串流平台的普及化(例如Bandcamp, Spotify或Last.fm),現代的聽眾瞬間可以接觸到來自於世界各個地方金屬樂團的唱片。不過回歸到二十年前沒有無限網路的社會,會讓我們完全不知道哪裡該尋找任何地下音樂的資源。本文主要的目標是確定國外文化現象——極端金屬音樂90年代的時候如何達到了台灣。透過與台灣90年代極端金屬場景成員的訪問,作者希望解釋台灣當時的唱片行,電子佈告欄系統與現場音樂酒吧如何於本國地下文化普及化了極端金屬音樂。雖然90年代這一段期間該被認為是台灣極端金屬場景創造過程最初級的階段,使用本人研究過程中收集的訪問資料,可以描述台灣最早出現極端金屬樂團的歷史。最後,作者希望斷定台灣90年代極端金屬場景的遺產在哪裡,它如何影響了台灣極端金屬粉絲的下一代,並台灣極端金屬場景於全球金屬音樂文化裡面佔什麼位置。
Once a niche, created by and for outsiders, now a resource available for everyone. There is no doubt that extreme genres of metal music such as black, death or thrash metal have already reached nearly every corner of the world, earning themselves a global fanbase. With internet platforms and streaming services like Bandcamp, Spotify or Last.fm reaching to any metal band from any country across the globe seems now effortless. However, taking a step 20 years back, to a world where VHS tapes were still more popular than the internet, would leave us with no clue where to look for anything flowing under the mainstream hit radar. This thesis aims to determine how a foreign cultural phenomenon – extreme metal, arrived in Taiwan in the 1990s. Through interviews with key figures in Taiwan’s extreme metal scene, I aim to explain how record stores, bulletin board systems and live venues popularized extreme metal in Taiwan and rooted it within the island’s underground culture. Although the decade of 1990s should be considered an initial stage in the formation of Taiwanese extreme metal community, the gathered research material is sufficient to document the history of the first Taiwanese extreme metal bands. Finally, I aim to determine what is the legacy of Taiwan’s 1990s extreme metal scene, how it influenced further generations of Taiwanese metalheads, and what is its place within the global metal scene.



重金屬, 極端金屬, 黑金屬, 死亡金屬, 口述歷史, 全球化, metal music, extreme metal, black metal, death metal, oral history, globalization

