長期性高強度間歇性對注意力不足過動症兒童衝突控制的影響: 事件關聯電位與訊號源分析研究

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研究目的探討長期性高強度間歇性運動對注意力不足過動症兒童衝突控制能力的影響。本研究有兩個研究目的,第一、ADHD兒童是否在衝突控制反應上與正常兒童不一樣;第二、長期性高強度間歇性運動是否能改善ADHD兒童衝突控制能力。第一個研究方法: 總共有105位兒童,其中61位ADHD兒童;44位是年齡相同的正常兒童。所有兒童都會進行叫色測驗並同時收集腦波訊號。作業情境將分為底下四種: iC, iI, cC, cI。依變項包含反應時間(RT)、反應正確率(RA)、事件關聯電位(N2與P3)。結果顯示ADHD兒童反應時間有前試作測驗的情境效果,且整體的反應正確率比正常兒童低。此外,ADHD兒童有較小的P3振福。而進一步分析P3訊號源,ADHD兒童在前額葉有較大的活化狀態。這些研究說明ADHD兒童較容易受到前一個試作測驗情境的影響,特別是在高衝突的情境下。第二個研究方法: 61位ADHD兒童隨機分派至運動組或是主動控制組。運動介入為期每周兩次每次90分鐘,總共五週運動介入。運動組從事高強度間歇性運動,而主動控制組從事瑜珈與伸展運動。結果顯示經過五週的運動後,運動組在前試作情境的效果有較大反應正確的差值,也就是在前試作的一致情境的正確率顯著提升所導致較大的差異。此外,運動組比主動控制組有較好的動作能力。這些研究表示高強度間歇性運動能夠對前試作情境的能力有改善的效果同時提升動作能力。
Here we performed two experiments to test if there is any difference in conflict monitoring between children with ADHD and healthy children and then to examine whether long-term HIIT modulates conflict monitoring in children with ADHD. In the first experiment, a total number of 105 children, with 61 children with ADHD and 44 age-matched healthy children, were recruited to perform a modified Stroop task while an electroencephalograph (EEG) was recorded. Trials preceded by incongruent (iC, iI) and congruent (cC, cI) trials were compared for behavioral [reaction time (RT) and response accuracy (RA)] and electrophysiological (N2 and P3 components of the event-related potential [ERP]) concomitants of cognitive control. Results: children with ADHD had a previous congruency effect on RT and lowered RA on the previous trial of congruency and incongruency compared to healthy children. ERP data revealed that children with ADHD had a smaller P3 amplitude compared to healthy children. The source of P3 amplitude was found in the frontal lobe in which children with ADHD were more activated compared to healthy children. These results suggest that children with ADHD were vulnerable to previous stimuli, especially in high conflict contexts. In the second experiment, a randomized controlled design was used, with 61 children (7-12 years of age, IQ = 83-136) being randomly assigned to HIIT (EX group: two sessions/week, 30 × 30 intervals at 80% of peak heart rate for 30 min and HIIT-game for 30 min) or active control group (AC: the same as HIIT structure but performed yoga). Results: EX group showed a larger magnitude of RA in the previous congruency effect. Additionally, EX group had better motor competence relative to AC group. These results suggest that HIIT can ameliorate the influence of previous conflicts to improve cognitive performance in children with ADHD. Therefore, we suggest that the five weeks of HIIT might positively affect motor competence and conflict monitoring in children with ADHD.



執行控制, 衝突適應能力, 運動, 高強度, 電生理訊號, Executive function, conflict adaptatio, exercise, high intensity, EEG

