

跑出生命的樂章:二位跑者參與馬拉松的生命故事 民國九十五年六月 研 究 生:吳百騏 指導教授:劉一民 摘 要 「跑步是跑者自我實現及心靈修練的方式」 本文是探究跑者參與馬拉松的經驗歷程,藉由生命故事的方式來敘說。爲了探究跑步對人生的啟示為何?筆者從對跑步一無所知而投入跑步,體驗到要跨出第一步時所帶來身體與心裡的苦痛與掙扎,不斷地自我調適、鍛鍊與反省,慢慢發現跑步的樂趣「寧靜、流暢、尋找自我、天人合一、苦痛、枷鎖、矛盾…等」,這些聲音豐富了筆者的生命,從跑步中體會出許多生命的哲理,生活的細微也逐漸改變。筆者在時間不斷來回、重新閱讀自己故事,並分享了跑者阿達的故事,筆者尋找到自己、重新認識自己,原來自己還有很多夢,並體會出跑步是一條創造自己的路。馬拉松聖堂是一種象徵,踏入聖堂猶如破繭重生一般,破繭的過程必定會承受破繭之痛,而練習馬拉松的痛正是累積往後面對一切挑戰的力量,要破繭而出的力量,完成馬拉松的朝聖之旅,似乎就會得到更大的力量去完成其他的夢。 關鍵詞:跑步、跑者、生命故事
CREATE YOUR OWN FATE : TWO RUNNER’S LIFE STORY Master’s Thesis, June, 2006 Wu, Bae-Chyi Advisor: Liu, I-Min Ph.D. Abstract “Running is the Way for Runner to Achieve Self-Realization and Mental Fortitude”. This article explored two runners’ experiences of marathon running and presented through the telling of life’s stories. To experience personally what inspirations running could bring to life, the author chose running as a total novice. From the initial physical and mental anguish, struggle and through continual adaptation, training and retrospection, the author gradually discovered the fun of running and the wide spectrum of emotions it generated - tranquility, flowing, soul-searching, torment, bondage, contradiction…etc. These voices enriched and changed the life of the author in a subtle way. The author was also able to discern life’s philosophies in the process. In the lapse of time, the author reviewed his own life story back and forth, and shared the story of runner Ahdar. He re-discovered himself, re-acquainted with himself, and realized that he still held many dreams and that running was a goal he could achieve. The temple of marathon is a symbol. Stepping into this temple is as if breaking through the cocoon in a rebirth, during which pain is a part of the experience. The pain suffered during training for marathon helps accumulate the strength to face future challenges. A person who has completed the pilgrimage of marathon will be likely to gain greater strength to realize other dreams in life. Key words: Running, Runner, Life story



跑步, 跑者, 生命故事, Running, Runner, Life story





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