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Consumption has become more convenient in the society nowadays, and the channels of which vary. This causes a lot of stuff to be easily replaced and discarded that leads to unbalance among human, environment and thing. The unceasingly rejected stuff burdens the environment. For instance, the recycled furniture increases repair complexity due to its huge size and mixing of materials. As the stuff is still usable and with feature of certain material, the study proposes research on invention of “implement regeneration” that utilizes and transforms the features of the stuff. One or more features containing shape, color, material, texture and function are used in redesign during which the element “emotion” is endowed. Thus, the redesigned furniture is of affection and memory of user, which is transformed from “implement” to “family member” for the viewer to understand change in stuff may not only occur in purchasing. The study by literature review investigates the history of furniture style, the trend, and the communication between stuff and human. The characteristics of oriental and western furniture are known from the outlined history of furniture style and confirmed in the trend report, whose redesign is full of personal trait and plasticity and may be the mainstream in design hopefully. In discussion about the communication between stuff and human, meaning of product is used to perceive significance and symbol that shape, color, material and texture indicate to classify application of the characteristics. The case study generalizes from 118 cases three redesign models including formation redesign, function redesign and unit redesign. According to 50 cases of formation redesign, five influential factors which contain shape, color, material, texture and others are discovered. With regard to 44 cases of function redesign, it is known that change in position, addition of objects and combination of diversified objects are the three influential factors. For unit redesign, we know from 24 cases that purpose of furniture and intention of concept are the two influential factors. Through literature review and case study, four artworks Swimming Away (formation redesign), Meditation (function redesign), Reminder (function redesign) and Fusion (unit redesign) are invented in the study. It is also realized during research that furniture redesign is really recognized by viewers. However, considering time-consuming and laborious redesign, the study suggests future researches proceed with modeling of furniture redesign while establishing database of the features of redesign to lower cost of design and manufacturing, and enhance accuracy of design.
Consumption has become more convenient in the society nowadays, and the channels of which vary. This causes a lot of stuff to be easily replaced and discarded that leads to unbalance among human, environment and thing. The unceasingly rejected stuff burdens the environment. For instance, the recycled furniture increases repair complexity due to its huge size and mixing of materials. As the stuff is still usable and with feature of certain material, the study proposes research on invention of “implement regeneration” that utilizes and transforms the features of the stuff. One or more features containing shape, color, material, texture and function are used in redesign during which the element “emotion” is endowed. Thus, the redesigned furniture is of affection and memory of user, which is transformed from “implement” to “family member” for the viewer to understand change in stuff may not only occur in purchasing. The study by literature review investigates the history of furniture style, the trend, and the communication between stuff and human. The characteristics of oriental and western furniture are known from the outlined history of furniture style and confirmed in the trend report, whose redesign is full of personal trait and plasticity and may be the mainstream in design hopefully. In discussion about the communication between stuff and human, meaning of product is used to perceive significance and symbol that shape, color, material and texture indicate to classify application of the characteristics. The case study generalizes from 118 cases three redesign models including formation redesign, function redesign and unit redesign. According to 50 cases of formation redesign, five influential factors which contain shape, color, material, texture and others are discovered. With regard to 44 cases of function redesign, it is known that change in position, addition of objects and combination of diversified objects are the three influential factors. For unit redesign, we know from 24 cases that purpose of furniture and intention of concept are the two influential factors. Through literature review and case study, four artworks Swimming Away (formation redesign), Meditation (function redesign), Reminder (function redesign) and Fusion (unit redesign) are invented in the study. It is also realized during research that furniture redesign is really recognized by viewers. However, considering time-consuming and laborious redesign, the study suggests future researches proceed with modeling of furniture redesign while establishing database of the features of redesign to lower cost of design and manufacturing, and enhance accuracy of design.
家具, 再設計, 情感設計, 器物再生, furniture, redesign, emotional design, implement regeneration