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本研究旨在分析我國國民中學公民類科教科書中國家認同內涵之演變,透過內容分析法探討教科書中國家認同內涵的演變;並訪談現行教科書之編審委員,了解在當前國家認同分歧的情況之下,教科書中如何處理此一難解的國家認同習題。本研究所分析的教科書版本包括依據1968年、1972年、1983年及1994年之國民中學課程標準所編訂之國編本教科書以及2003年九年一貫課程網要及2005年九年一貫社會學習領域基本內容所編訂的審訂本國民中學社會學習領域公民篇教科書,共計六個版本。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、各版教科書大致都以「政治認同」為主要內容,「文化認同」次之,再輔以「國際關係」、「國家符號」及「族群認同」內容構成教科書中的國家認同內涵,但九年一貫版本中即不再呈現「族群認同」部分。 二、1968年版、1972年版及1983年皆顯現出強烈的大中國認同;1994年版呈現出大台灣與大中國認同相互對抗的矛盾;2003年版及2005版轉為「台灣認同」與「中國認同」並存於科書中的「本土化中華民國認同」。 三、我國教科書常用的國家認同策略為「說明解釋」及「比喻或舉例說明」等說明性的策略;「訴諸權威」、「規範語句」、「攻擊」、「相互對比」與「問題形式」在1983年版之前威權體制下的教科書中,也屬重要策略。 四、教科書中呈現出的國家認同變化與實際外在環境的變動相比較,兩者之間除了明顯的「時間差」,在「變動程度」上也有明顯的落差。 基於研究發現,本研究對課綱小組、教科書之編審者及教師角色提出建議,在課綱訂定、教科書編輯及授課過程中,可適時中立呈現各方意見,並引領學生理性思考、互相尊重。 關鍵字:國家認同、公民類科教科書、內容分析法
This study aims to analyze the changes in national identity presented in textbooks of social studies and civic courses in junior high school. Through content analysis, the study probes into the changes in national identity in textbooks. Textbook editors are interviewed to understand how such intricate issue as national identity is dealt with under current environment with diverse national identities. There are six versions of textbooks analyzed in this study. Among them, four versions are published in 1968, 1972, 1983, and 1994, edited based on Junior High School Course Standard. The other two versions are civic textbooks of Social Studies Learning Area in junior high. They include 2003 version based on Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines, and 2005 version based on the basic content of Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines for Social Studies Learning Area. The findings of this study are in the following. First, on the whole, “political identity” constitutes the major content related to national identity in all six versions of textbooks, and “cultural identity” is the second most common theme. Together with “national relations” , ”national symbols” and “ethnic group identity”, the five themes comprise the content concerning national identity in textbooks. As for “ethnic group identity”, it no longer appears in versions based on Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines. Second, strong recognition of China appears in 1968, 1972, and 1983 versions. The contradiction between the recognition of Taiwan and China is shown in 1994 version. As to 2003 and 2005 versions, the recognition of both Taiwan and China coexist, indicating a transformation into a localized recognition of Republic of China. Third, the commonly adopted national identity strategies in textbooks are explanatory strategies such as “exposition and explanation” and “comparison or illustration”. In addition, “resorting to authority”, “restrictive sentences”, “assault”, “mutual contrast”, and “question forms” are also key strategies in versions before 1983, when the society was still under an authoritative regime. Fourth, comparing the changes in national identity in textbooks with the actual changes in authentic social environment, the study found a significant difference in the time frame of changes. There is also a major gap in the levels of change. On the basis of the findings above, this study proposes several suggestions to textbook editors and teachers. In the course of editing textbooks and teaching the content, it is advised that editors and teachers present opinions from different parties in a neutral way and at a proper timing. It is also recommended that the students be instructed the importance of rational thinking and mutual respect. Keywords: national identity, textbooks of social studies and civic courses, content analysis



國家認同, 公民類科教科書, 內容分析法





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