
dc.contributor.authorchang lee -yingen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 本研究旨在瞭解國小學校護理人員之工作壓力與滿意度之情形,以及探討其相關因素,以台灣北部地區國民小學護理人員為研究對象,採分層隨機抽樣法,共抽出385人,以自填問卷方式施測,得有效樣本331位。所得資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、斯皮爾曼等級相關、多元迴歸分析等方法加以統計分析。 茲將研究結果陳述如下: 一、在工作壓力方面,國民小學護理人員整體工作壓力屬於中等偏高。國民小學護理人員以對「工作回饋」感受到最大壓力,包括升遷制度、學校體制下地位不高、請假職務代理困難、欠缺鼓勵進修機制。影響國民小學護理人員工作壓力之個人背景變項,則發現與學校班級數、學校所在縣市有顯著差異。 二、在工作滿意度方面,國小學校護理人員整體工作滿意度屬於中等偏高。國民小學護理人員以對「整體人際關係」感到最滿意,包括同事、學生、他校護理人員、社區醫療機構等之互動與配合。影響國民小學護理人員工作滿意度之個人背景變項,則發現工作滿意度與學校班級數、學校所在縣市有顯著差異。國民小學護理人員工作滿意度會因兼行政工作年資呈顯著正相關。 三、工作壓力與工作滿意度呈顯著負相關。顯示工作壓力愈高,其工作滿意度愈低。 四、個人背景變項中的學校所在縣市、學校班級數、兼行政工作年資與工作壓力共可解釋工作滿意度變異量的56﹪,其中工作壓力為最強預測變項。 依研究結果提出下列建議: 一、教育行政主管機關宜建立完善績效衡量標準、健全升遷制度與改善目前之職務代理制度。 二、國民小學護理人員須建立終生學習概念,運用壓力管理策略, 提升生活品質。積極參與在職進修,提昇學歷與工作能力。 關鍵詞:國民小學護理人員、工作壓力、工作滿意度。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to realize and to explore working stress and job satisfaction among the elementary school nurses. Subjects were recruited from elementary school nurses in several counties of northern Taiwan. A stratified random sampling method was used to select 385 nurses and 331 were effective. Statistical methods include utilized in the study descriptive statistics, one way ANOVA, Pearson's product -moment correlation, Spearman rank correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The major results of the study are as follows. 1.As to working stress, the score were moderate. The heaviest stress comes from “working feedback”. which include unfriendly promotion policy, low position in the school system, difficulty in finding someone to substitute when asking for leave, and without a maturity rewards system for further education. Personal background variables, especially the amount of class and the location of the school, made a significant difference in working stress. 2. In the aspect job satisfaction, the score were also moderate. The most satisfying item of elementary school nurses was “whole relationships”. which include colleagues, students, nurses of other schools, and community hospitals. Personal background variables, especially the amount of class and the location of the school, made a significant difference in job satisfaction. There was a significant positive relation between job satisfaction and the years responsible for administrative work. 3. There was a significant negative relation between working stress and job satisfaction among the elementary school nurses. The higher working stress a school nurse undertakes, the lower job satisfaction she has. 4. Of the personal background variables, location of school, amount of class , years responsible for administrative work, and working stress explained 56% of variance of job satisfaction.Among them, working stress was the strongest predictive variable. Based on the results, the following recommendations were drawn: 1.The Administration Organization of Education should establish the criterial for performance evaluation, reinforce the systems of promotion and improve the systems of job substitution. 2. The elementary school nurses must foster the concept of life-long learning, apply the tactic of stress management, upgrade the quality of life.engage in in-service training programs, in advance to their educational background and working ability. Key words:elementary school nurses, working stress, job satisfaction.en_US
dc.subjectelementary school nursesen_US
dc.subjectworking stressen_US
dc.subjectjob satisfactionen_US

