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索緒爾( Saussure ) 對現代語言學結構研究至深,首先提出從歷時性移到共時性的觀念,將語言學研究導入符號學領域,建立能指( Signifier )、所指( Signified ) 的二元一位論的符號學基礎。1965年代敘述學者,受符號學、結構主義及形式主義的影響,對敘事作品的敘述、結構、理論,進行組織結構性的科學研究,建立了敘述學的研究體系,羅蘭‧巴特(Roland Barthes,1966)認為,敘述學泛指一切帶有敘述性的作品,敘事作品結構分析理論,亦適用於其他非語言或和語言相結合的作品裡,如:電影、漫畫、廣告、設計...等等;本研究嘗試將敘述學的結構理論應用到創新設計方法上的探索。
敘述學探討語文結構對敘事的影響,凱普蘭 (Robert Kaplan) 在五大語族對比修辭 (Contrastive Rhetoric) 的論述中,亦提出類似的見解,凱普蘭把五種語言結構的差異,用五種不同的線條形式表現出來,不同的思維形成截然不同的思維邏輯。本研究採「半結構式訪談法」(semistructured interviews),深度採訪五大語族七位專家,探討:English英語族、Semitic 閃米特語族、Oriental 東方語族、Romance拉丁語族與Russian 蘇維埃斯拉夫語族,因地理、歷史、文化、風俗…等因素,造成語言架構的不同,形成各自語言之特色。
鑑於語言結構對敘事造成的影響,本研究進行案例解析,分析樣本係採英國Harvey Nichols高級流行服飾公司,用五種語言設計的傑出系列廣告作研究,分析其將五種語言結構的特色,成功運用到廣告設計的技巧與方法,以應證語言結構轉換成創意方法的可行性。
本研究結論將凱普蘭五大語族論述形式 (Patterns of Written Discourse )應用到五種創意思考形式( Patterns of Design Thinking)裡,並實際用通訊產品為案例執行創意製作,讓每一項創意的構想,出現五種風格不同的結果供選擇,增加創意方法的多元性。本研究結果將可提供於設計課程教學及廣告設計師創作時,打破慣性固著思考,而採語言結構多元的思考模式,激發出更多傑出的設計及敘事作品。
Saussure’s research reveals the insight into the structure of modern linguistics. Saussure addresses the pioneering concept of synchronicity and draws linguistics into the field of semiology. By the dualism of signifier and signified, Saussure establishes the foundation of semiology. In 1965, the researches combined the influences from semiology, structuralism and formalism and built up the theoretical system of narratology. Roland Barthes proposed that narratology generally refers to the narrative works, its analytic theories and other linguistic or non- linguistic works, such as movie, comics, advertisements, design, etc. In this research, the theory of narratology is applied to explore the innovative method in design. The linguistic impacts are studied in the field of narratology. Robert Kaplan also addresses the similar concepts: he presents the structural differences of five languages with five kinds of drawing lines to describe the various ways of thinking. In this research, the method of semistructured interviews was applied. Seven linguistic experts were interviewed and revealed the special characters of five languages, which include English、Semitic、Oriental、Romance and Russian. In order to discuss the linguistic impacts on narrative works, the advertisements of Harvey Nichols, which are skillfully composed by the idea of five languages and successfully deliver the distinguishing features of each language, were taken as samples for case studies. The analysis is proving the possibility of utilizing the linguistic features in design creation. It is concluded that Kaplan’s “Patterns of Written Discourse” can be applied into “Patterns of Design Thinking” in this research. This conclusion has applied in product design (communication devices) and result in diversified creation. The results of this research provide both designers and educators an innovative thinking mode or method for creating significant designs and narrative works.
Saussure’s research reveals the insight into the structure of modern linguistics. Saussure addresses the pioneering concept of synchronicity and draws linguistics into the field of semiology. By the dualism of signifier and signified, Saussure establishes the foundation of semiology. In 1965, the researches combined the influences from semiology, structuralism and formalism and built up the theoretical system of narratology. Roland Barthes proposed that narratology generally refers to the narrative works, its analytic theories and other linguistic or non- linguistic works, such as movie, comics, advertisements, design, etc. In this research, the theory of narratology is applied to explore the innovative method in design. The linguistic impacts are studied in the field of narratology. Robert Kaplan also addresses the similar concepts: he presents the structural differences of five languages with five kinds of drawing lines to describe the various ways of thinking. In this research, the method of semistructured interviews was applied. Seven linguistic experts were interviewed and revealed the special characters of five languages, which include English、Semitic、Oriental、Romance and Russian. In order to discuss the linguistic impacts on narrative works, the advertisements of Harvey Nichols, which are skillfully composed by the idea of five languages and successfully deliver the distinguishing features of each language, were taken as samples for case studies. The analysis is proving the possibility of utilizing the linguistic features in design creation. It is concluded that Kaplan’s “Patterns of Written Discourse” can be applied into “Patterns of Design Thinking” in this research. This conclusion has applied in product design (communication devices) and result in diversified creation. The results of this research provide both designers and educators an innovative thinking mode or method for creating significant designs and narrative works.
敘述學, 廣告敘事, 對比修辭, 語言結構, 創意, Narratology, Advertising Narrative, Contrastive Rhetoric, Language Patterns, Creativity