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Internationalization in higher education is an increasingly important issue in Taiwan. The aims of this study is to develop a set of indicators and weight system to assess internationalization when conducting self-check and third party evaluation at Taiwan’s Universities of technology. The research methods comprised of documentary analysis, fuzzy Delphi method to assess the quality and the suitable degree of the indicators, and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process to estimate the indicators weights. The conclusions and suggestions are as follows: Three-order indicators are joined into the system framework. The first-order indicators included six items: Strategy and plan(32%); structures and staff(12%); academic exchange and cooperation(17%); curriculum and teaching(12%); support and service(12%) and assessment and feedback(16.41%). The second-order indicators and their weights are described as follows: (a) the "Strategy and plan" comprises three second-order indicators: mission and vision (48%), goals and objective (27%), " budgeting and implementation '' (25%). There are thirteen third-order indicators under these second-order indicators. (b) the "structures and staff" has two second-order indicators: ''decision-making structures and human resources(56%)'' and ''faculty members and students(44%)'', these indicators contains eight third-order indicators. (c) the "exchange and cooperation" contains of two second-order indicators: '' academic affiliation and international collaboration (64%)'' and ''international research activities(36%). There are thirteen third-order indicators under these second-order indicators totally. (d) the "curriculum and teaching " contains of two second-order indicators: '' general programs (28%)'' and ''language programs(72%). There are eight third-order indicators under these second-order indicators totally. (e) the " support and service " contains of three second-order indicators: '' general learning support and service(22%)'', ''daily support and service(18%) and ''campus internationalization(60)''. There are eleven third-order indicators under these second-order indicators totally. (f) the "assessment and feedback " contains of two second-order indicators: '' performance assessment (59%)'' and ''feedback mechanism(41%) '' . There are seven third-order indicators under these second-order indicators. The study also have some suggestions about the practical dimension of the evaluation framework.
Internationalization in higher education is an increasingly important issue in Taiwan. The aims of this study is to develop a set of indicators and weight system to assess internationalization when conducting self-check and third party evaluation at Taiwan’s Universities of technology. The research methods comprised of documentary analysis, fuzzy Delphi method to assess the quality and the suitable degree of the indicators, and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process to estimate the indicators weights. The conclusions and suggestions are as follows: Three-order indicators are joined into the system framework. The first-order indicators included six items: Strategy and plan(32%); structures and staff(12%); academic exchange and cooperation(17%); curriculum and teaching(12%); support and service(12%) and assessment and feedback(16.41%). The second-order indicators and their weights are described as follows: (a) the "Strategy and plan" comprises three second-order indicators: mission and vision (48%), goals and objective (27%), " budgeting and implementation '' (25%). There are thirteen third-order indicators under these second-order indicators. (b) the "structures and staff" has two second-order indicators: ''decision-making structures and human resources(56%)'' and ''faculty members and students(44%)'', these indicators contains eight third-order indicators. (c) the "exchange and cooperation" contains of two second-order indicators: '' academic affiliation and international collaboration (64%)'' and ''international research activities(36%). There are thirteen third-order indicators under these second-order indicators totally. (d) the "curriculum and teaching " contains of two second-order indicators: '' general programs (28%)'' and ''language programs(72%). There are eight third-order indicators under these second-order indicators totally. (e) the " support and service " contains of three second-order indicators: '' general learning support and service(22%)'', ''daily support and service(18%) and ''campus internationalization(60)''. There are eleven third-order indicators under these second-order indicators totally. (f) the "assessment and feedback " contains of two second-order indicators: '' performance assessment (59%)'' and ''feedback mechanism(41%) '' . There are seven third-order indicators under these second-order indicators. The study also have some suggestions about the practical dimension of the evaluation framework.
科技大學, 國際化, 指標權重, University of technology, internationalization, indicator weights