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Department of Industrial Education, NTNU
Department of Industrial Education, NTNU
Private university and college will face greater pressure of low birth rate in 2016 in Taiwan. This article create the conception of cash capacity and design the financial distress watch list with the indicators of normal cash flow, cash liquidity, the amount of available borrowings, the number of students of the first grade, the number of students, and average number of students per class. The subject of the study were all private science-technological university and college in Taiwan. We collect financial statements of 2006-2013 academy-year, the number of students from 2007 academy-year to 2014. The study employ the long-term tendency analysis method of financial statement analysis techniques and survey research. The study found that when the three financial indicators are the deficit and the three non-financial indicators are outliers, the school would face a shut down destiny within 3 years. This study summarized five conclusions regarding characteristics of the shut down schools. In additional, the author suggested educational authorities should edit financial distress watch list every year for the schools that student number below 2,000 persons, so that government could inspect the school under financial distress.
Private university and college will face greater pressure of low birth rate in 2016 in Taiwan. This article create the conception of cash capacity and design the financial distress watch list with the indicators of normal cash flow, cash liquidity, the amount of available borrowings, the number of students of the first grade, the number of students, and average number of students per class. The subject of the study were all private science-technological university and college in Taiwan. We collect financial statements of 2006-2013 academy-year, the number of students from 2007 academy-year to 2014. The study employ the long-term tendency analysis method of financial statement analysis techniques and survey research. The study found that when the three financial indicators are the deficit and the three non-financial indicators are outliers, the school would face a shut down destiny within 3 years. This study summarized five conclusions regarding characteristics of the shut down schools. In additional, the author suggested educational authorities should edit financial distress watch list every year for the schools that student number below 2,000 persons, so that government could inspect the school under financial distress.