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本研究旨在探討桃園市某國民中學推展童軍團之個案研究,透過文獻理論的閱讀,對桃園市某國中童軍團之發展過程、推展現況、推展優勢及推展困境等方向進行訪談,主要訪談對象包含學校行政人員、歷任童軍團長、學校導師及團務委員,希冀能藉由本研究了解童軍團之發展過程及現況、推展特色及困境,除了解決現今童軍團所面臨之問題外,也希望研究者能夠以在實際擔任童軍團長之場域中發揮所長,將學校童軍團之推展情形詳實紀錄,並得順利推展學校童軍團。 研究者以質性取向之研究方向,設計「國民中學推展童軍團之個案研究訪談大綱」,邀請四位受訪者進行半結構式訪談,針對國中童軍團之推展運作進行資料蒐集,再進而分析訪談資料並整理成研究結果,最後再根據研究發現提出研究結論與建議。 綜合文獻探討及訪談資料,研究結論如下: 壹、桃園市某國中童軍團之發展過程與現況 一、桃園市某國中童軍團之發展過程:草創、成長到穩定時期 (一)學校目前持續且積極的推展童軍團務 二、桃園市某國中童軍團之現況運作及人力資源概況 (一)團務委員會功能不彰,無召開過團務委員會議及無作相關決策 (二)無童軍團專用之訓練場所及器材整理室 (三)團長一人身兼數職,校內外人力資源不足 貳、桃園市某國中童軍團之推展優勢與困境 一、桃園市某國中童軍團之推展優勢 (一)「做中學」及「品格教育」為童軍團推展之方向 (二)有效運用童軍服務員及校內專業老師等人力資源 二、桃園市某國中童軍團之推展困境 (一)每年補助經費仍不足以採購各項童軍器材 (二)活動訓練時間不足 最後,再根據研究結果歸納結論,並提出對某國中童軍團推展之具體建議,及對後續研究提出建議。
A Case Study of Promoting Scouts in National Junior High Schools-Taking a Junior High School in Taoyuan City for Example. Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the case study of the promotion of the Scouts in a national junior high school in Taoyuan city. Through the reading of the literature theory, the researcher conducted interviews on the development process, the promotion situation, the promotion advantages and the dilemma of a national junior high school in Taoyuan City. The main interviewees include school administrators, former scout leaders, school instructors and group affairs committee. Hope to understand the process of boy Scout development, the current situation, promotion characteristics and difficulties. In addition to solving today's problems boy scouts are facing the research also hope the scout leaders who can bring what he has learnt into full play in the field, make a detailed record of the promotion of the school Scouts and successfully promote the school Scouts. Based on qualitative research, the researcher designed “Syllabus for the Case Study of the National Middle School to Promote the Scouts.” and invited four interviewees to conduct semi-structured interviews to collect data for the promotion of the National Middle School Scouts. The interview data was compiled into the research results, and finally the research conclusions and recommendations were proposed based on the research findings. Comprehensive literature discussion and interview data, the research conclusions were as follows: I. The development process and current situation of the Scouts in a high school in Taoyuan City 1. The development process of the Scouts in a certain high school in Taoyuan City: the period from start, growth, to stability i. The school steadily and aggressively promote Boy Scout affairs 2. The current situation of the operation and human resources of the Scouts in a high school in Taoyuan City i. Group affair committees don’t function well, no group affair committee meeting convened and no related decisions made. ii. No training places and room for equipment for the scouts. iii. Scout leaders play several roles, and lack of human resources inside and outside the school. II. The advantages and dilemmas of the promotion of the Scouts in a high school in Taoyuan City 1. Advantages of the promotion of the Scouts in a high school in Taoyuan City i. "Learning from doing" and "Character Education" are the direction for the Scouts ii. Effective use of human resources such as scouters and professional teachers on campus 2. The predicament of the promotion of the Scouts in a certain high school in Taoyuan City i. The annual subsidy is still insufficient to purchase various scout equipment ii. Insufficient training time Finally, based on the results of the study, the conclusions are summarized. Specific recommendations for the promotion of the Scouts in a certain high school are proposed, and suggestions for follow-up research are proposed.



國中童軍團, 童軍團推展, 人力資源, 質性研究, Boy Scouts, Scouting Group, Human Resources, Qualitative Research





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