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摘 要 本研究旨在探討台北市國民小學視覺藝術教師對教學專業知能自我省思之現;並分析不同背景變項的台北市國民小學視覺藝術教師對教學專業知能之重要性認知程度與實際教學現況的差異情形;最後根據研究結果提出建議,以提供國民小學視覺藝術教師、教育行政單位及未來研究之參考。 首先採取文獻探究,作為研究架構之依據;再以台北市國民小學視覺藝術教師共339位為研究對象,利用自編之台北市國民小學「視覺藝術教師教學專業知能量表」為研究工具,進行問卷調查;問卷所得資料以SPSS10.0中文版統計軟體,運用描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、成對樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、最小顯著差異法(LSD)等統計方法進行分析與討論。本研究主要獲致以下發現 : 一、就台北市國民小學視覺藝術教師而言︰ (一)整體教師對視覺藝術教學專業知能重要性認知為中上—重要程度,明顯高於實際教學觀察的中等—部分符合程度;兩者具顯著差異。 (二)整體教師對視覺藝術教學專業知能的五個層面上,即「教學專門學科」、「教學規劃實踐」、「營造學習情境」、「善盡專業責任」、「人際溝通協調」,明顯看出各層面在重要性認知程度與實際教學符合程度間均具有顯著差異。 二、不同背景變項的視覺藝術教師在教學專業知能的重要性認知程度上而言︰ (一)在不同「性別」、「擔任職務」、「學校配課方式」的國民小學視覺藝術教師對教學專業知能上的重要性認知程度具有顯著差異。 (二)以女性教師、視覺藝術科任教師、藝術與人文領域教師得分較高;學校配課方式以導師兼任得分較低。 三、不同背景變項的視覺藝術教師在教學專業知能的實際教學觀察上而言︰ (一)在不同「性別」、「學歷科系」、「擔任職務」、「任教視覺藝術年資」、「學校配課方式」的國民小學視覺藝術教師對教學專業知能上的實際教學符合程度具有顯著差異。 (二)以女性教師、美術科系學歷、視覺藝術教師、藝術與人文教師、任教視覺藝術21-25年教師得分較高;學校配課方式以導師兼任得分較低。 研究者依據研究結果提出以下相關建議: 一、 鼓勵視覺藝術教師持續進修厚實人文素養;建立自我教學評鑑系統,進行教學省思;參與同儕學習,維繫良好親師合作關係,以實現教學之理想。 二、學校排課應注重相關專業背景,避免跨領域教學之課務編排;組織視覺藝術教學團隊傳承實務經驗;強化學校課程發展委員會功能,落實教學實踐。 三、教育主管機關應明定視覺藝術師資任用資格需符合專業考量原則;強化輔導團功能,辦理教學實作相關研習;建立知識分享平台,促進教師專業成長。 關鍵字:國民小學、視覺藝術教師、視覺藝術、教學專業知能
The Study of Elementary School Visual Art Teachers’ Self-Reflection on Teaching Expertise in Taipei City Abstract The study aims to investigate elementary school visual art teachers’ self-reflection on their own teaching expertise in Taipei City. Furthermore, the researcher analyzed how different background variables contribute to the differences between how Taipei City elementary school visual art teachers acknowledge the importance of teaching expertise and how they practice their teaching. Suggestions were made according to the research results for elementary school visual art teachers, educational administrations, and further studies. The literature review was conducted to build up the frame of the research. The subjects are the 339 elementary school visual art teachers in Taipei City. The research instrument is the self-constructed scale of “Visual Art Teachers’ Awareness of Teaching Expertise in Taipei City.” A survey by questionnaire was conducted. By using SPSS version 10.0, the data gathered had been analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent-sample T-test, paired-sample T-test, one-way ANOV, and LSD. The researcher found the following results: 1. As for elementary school visual art teachers in Taipei City: 1.1 Mostly the subjects showed a medium-to-important level of how they acknowledge the importance of teaching expertise in visual art, which is obviously higher than what the researcher observed in their practical teaching — a medium-to-partly-matched level. There are significant differences between these two items. 1.2 There are significant differences between awareness and practical teaching in the five aspects of visual art teaching expertise, including “teaching specialized subjects,” “curriculum planning and practice,” “constructing learning atmosphere,” “fulfilling professional liability,” and “interpersonal communication and coordination.” 2. As for levels of acknowledging the importance of teaching expertise contributed by different background variables: 2.1 The background variables of “gender,” “position,” and “curriculum arrangement” contributed to the significant differences in elementary school visual art teachers’ awareness of the importance of teaching expertise. 2.2 Female teachers, visual art subject teachers, and teachers of arts and humanities field got higher scores. The researcher does not recommend homeroom teachers to teach visual arts. 3. As for the classroom observation, visual art teachers of different background variables showed differences in their teaching expertise: 3.1 Significant differences were showed in the variables of “gender,” “educational background,” “position,” “years of teaching visual art,” and “curriculum arrangement.” 3.2 Female teachers, art-major teachers, visual art teachers, art-and-humanity teachers, and the teachers who have taught visual art for twenty-one to twenty-five years got higher scores. The researcher does not recommend homeroom teachers to teach visual arts. The researcher made the following suggestions according to the study results: 1. Encourage visual art teachers to do continuous further study and to enrich their humanities cultivation. Visual art teachers should also reflect on their teaching regularly and fulfill their duty as being a professional visual teacher. Furthermore, they should build up cooperative relationship with students as to implement ideal teaching. 2. While arranging classes, school authorities should concern teachers’ professional backgrounds and avoid assigning teachers to do cross-field teaching. School authorities should as well organize a teaching team of art visual team so that the team can pass on practical experiences. At last, school authorities should intensify the functions of curriculum development committee so as to put teaching into effect. 3. In the regard of professionalism, educational administrations should make the qualification of visual art teachers a clear clause. Educational administrations should also consolidate the functions of instructional supervision groups. Workshops and conferences on teaching-related issues should be held to assist teachers in professional growth.



國民小學, 視覺藝術教師, 視覺藝術, 教學專業知能, elementary school, visual art teacher, visual art, teaching expertise





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