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本研究旨探討我國圖書資訊領域教師使用社群媒體融入教學之應用情況,包含:使用數位學習平台之使用情況、社群媒體之教學應用模式、使用社群媒體對教與學之影響、使用社群媒體之問題及所需支援。依據以上研究目的,本研究主要利用半結構式訪談法,訪談11位國內使用社群媒體融入教學之圖書資訊領域教師。 教師使用數位學習平台之情況可分為:(1)使用數位學習平台和社群媒體、(2)沒有使用數位學習平台,卻有使用社群媒體、(3)使用數位學習平台,卻沒有使用社群媒體。研究結果顯示,教師廣泛應用各類型之社群媒體工具於教學上。以Youtube、Google Docs以及Facebook是使用最多的社群媒體工具。教師使用社群媒體進行教學包括:學生使用部落格撰寫、分享上課心得;使用Wikis作為共筆的軟體、創建內容、瀏覽文章以及推薦學習資源;Youtube作為影片分享的工具與錄製教材;Facebook是人際互動的平台與創建粉絲頁、分享文章;Google Docs則是檔案分享的軟體;Line則是作為通訊的軟體;Skype則是作為一個錄製訪談的軟體;Dropbox和Google Drive進行合作編輯、討論、儲存文件以及分享課程檔案。 使用社群媒體改變傳統面對面的教學模式、改變師生溝通互動的方式、教材型態的改變以及對學生學習的影響。教師面臨之問題包括對社群媒體實體操作熟悉度與檢視教室之設備技術問題、著作與智慧財產權問題、科技工具之適宜性與預期性、科技焦慮、學生學習與使用態度、教師教學與使用態度以及花費時間準備數位及紙本教材、篩選、檢視和更新教材內容。教師所需之支援主要為教學講習以及人力支援,人力支援主要協助進行編排上課時間表和整理教材、排解系統和技術問題、負責監控線上的互動、登記和批改作業、協助授課。
This study aimed to explore the faculties’ of Library and Information Studies using social media in teaching, which includes: the use of digital learning platform, the use of social media in teaching, the use of social media impact on teaching and learning, and the problems and technical support of using social media. The results show that teachers are widely used various types of social media tools in teaching. Youtube, Google Docs and Facebook is the most used social media tools. Blog using for sharing learning experience; Wikis as a group learning, create content, browse articles and sharing learning resources; Youtube as a video sharing tools and recording teaching materials; Facebook is a platform for learning interaction and create a fan a Facebook page; Google Docs as a documents sharing platform; Line and Skype as a communication tools. The changes of social media for teaching and learning is changing the traditional face to face teaching style, changing the teacher-student communication and interactive way, changing patterns of teaching and the impact on student learning. Problems of using social media in teaching include technical problems of the equipment, works and intellectual property issues, suitability of tools in teaching and technology anxiety. The main support for the teaching of teachers required workshops and manpower support, human resources support which assist in solving systems and technologies problems, responsible for monitoring the online interaction, registration and teaching assistance.



社群媒體, 數位學習, 教學型態, Social media, e-learning, teaching method





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