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本研究以台中縣立清水國民中學九十三學年度二年級國中生為研究對象,本研究採用問卷調查法及半結構式的訪談法,俾達成目的。在問卷調查方面,隨機抽樣480位二年級國中生接受問卷調查,計回收有效樣本 480份。問卷使用研究者設計之「國中生考試壓力問卷」,所得資料以SPSS統計軟體執行分析,採用算數平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法以分析問卷結果。在訪談方面,個案訪談受訪者20位(15位二年級國中生、3位教師和2位家長),採半結構式訪談,並將訪談結果做一歸納分析。期能藉由調查研究為主,個案訪談為輔,以質量並行的方式,使研究結果臻於詳實。
一、 國中生考試壓力感受屬於中等程度。
二、 國中生的考試壓力,在「考前情緒緊張」、「臨場反應」、「成績壓力」和「準備程度」四個構面中,以「準備程度」的壓力感受最高,其次為「考前情緒緊張」。
三、 國中生的考試壓力與學業成就具有顯著相關。
四、 訪談結果發現,受訪者的實務經驗與調查結果大致符合。
A Case Study of the Relationship Bjunior high school studentsetween Ching-Shuei Junior High School Students’ Test Stress in Taichung County and Their Academic Achievements Abstract The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between junior high school students’ test stress and their academic achievements. The study also investigated the relationship between different levels of test stress and their academic achievements. It aimed to understand junior high school students’ test stress in order to increase teaching effects. Questionnaire survey as well as semi-structure interview methods were used in the study. Questionnaires about junior high school students’ test stress were carefully designed. 480 eighth-grade students from Ching-Shuei Junior High School in Taichung County were randomly selected as subjects in the survey. There were 480 valid samples obtained. The statistics procedures including t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation were conducted to analyze the results. 15 eighth-grade students in the same school were interviewed in a semi-structure way. Both qualitative analysis and quantitative method were used to analyze the results. The findings of the study are as follows: 1. The results showed that junior high school students’ test stress was of a medium level. 2. Among the four levels of test stress for the junior high school students, the degree of test stress for pre-test preparation was the highest, and then pre-test nervousness, on-site reaction and scores’ stress. 3. There were significant differences in correlation between test stress and the students’ academic achievements. 4. It was found that the results from 15 students’ testing experiences in the interviews were consistent with those of the questionnaire survey. In conclusion, the results of the study make educational contributions and suggestions to the educators, junior high school teachers, parents and researchers in the future study. Keywords: : junior high school students, test stress, academic achievements.
A Case Study of the Relationship Bjunior high school studentsetween Ching-Shuei Junior High School Students’ Test Stress in Taichung County and Their Academic Achievements Abstract The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between junior high school students’ test stress and their academic achievements. The study also investigated the relationship between different levels of test stress and their academic achievements. It aimed to understand junior high school students’ test stress in order to increase teaching effects. Questionnaire survey as well as semi-structure interview methods were used in the study. Questionnaires about junior high school students’ test stress were carefully designed. 480 eighth-grade students from Ching-Shuei Junior High School in Taichung County were randomly selected as subjects in the survey. There were 480 valid samples obtained. The statistics procedures including t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation were conducted to analyze the results. 15 eighth-grade students in the same school were interviewed in a semi-structure way. Both qualitative analysis and quantitative method were used to analyze the results. The findings of the study are as follows: 1. The results showed that junior high school students’ test stress was of a medium level. 2. Among the four levels of test stress for the junior high school students, the degree of test stress for pre-test preparation was the highest, and then pre-test nervousness, on-site reaction and scores’ stress. 3. There were significant differences in correlation between test stress and the students’ academic achievements. 4. It was found that the results from 15 students’ testing experiences in the interviews were consistent with those of the questionnaire survey. In conclusion, the results of the study make educational contributions and suggestions to the educators, junior high school teachers, parents and researchers in the future study. Keywords: : junior high school students, test stress, academic achievements.
國中生, 考試壓力, 學業成就, junior high school students, test stress, academic achievements