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本研究旨在從雙性戀當事人的角度,瞭解其在接受諮商時的經驗、感受與想法;並透過發聲的過程,讓相關實務工作者有機會理解,對於雙性戀族群來說,哪些因素能夠使他們感覺到幫助,又有哪些部分仍有改進的空間,進而對諮商實務工作有更深的反思與修正。因此本研究問題聚焦在:一、雙性戀當事人接受諮商的經驗為何?二、雙性戀當事人對心理師及諮商專業的建議或期待為何?   本研究以立意抽樣及滾雪球抽樣的方式,招募六位曾有過諮商經驗的雙性戀當事人,以半結構式訪談的方式收集資料,並以質性研究取向中的主題分析法進行整理與分析。研究結果共以三個部份呈現: 一、呈現雙性戀當事人進入諮商的考量與因應:包括(一)與諮商相遇的契機:當事人踏進諮商的動機各有不同,重要議題包含性傾向認同、雙性戀污名與內化恐雙、感情議題、出櫃議題。(二)對於諮商的想像與擔心:部份當事人對諮商抱持正面想像,但大多擔憂心理師的態度、知能、保密,諮商運作效果及自己能否順利表達。(三)因應擔心的方式:當事人發展多項策略與關鍵因素,來評估是否繼續與心理師工作,有時也會主動運用出櫃與教育的方式協助心理師更瞭解自己。 二、呈現雙性戀當事人在諮商中的互動經驗:包括(一)在諮商中出櫃的經驗:當事人傾向從多方面考量決定現身的時機與程度,心理師的不同反應亦帶來不同後續影響。(二)諮商中知覺正向的經驗:心理師的態度正向(認可、友善、重視、開放)、具備雙性戀議題知能的有效處遇(具備相關知識、性別意識與敏感度、妥善建立諮商架構、積極專注的非語言行為)、一般性的有效處遇(議題的討論與整理、情緒支持)為三大影響因素,上述正向經驗也會對當事人在其雙性戀身份、內在狀態、諮商與生活帶來不同程度的影響。(三)諮商中知覺負向的經驗:心理師的態度負向(不友善、不重視、互動時需要顧慮心理師)與處遇方式缺乏雙性戀議題知能(缺乏相關知識、性別意識與敏感度、諮商架構與流程建立未臻完善、令人不舒服的非語言行為)為兩大影響因素,當事人對負向經驗的應對方式各異,也對諮商帶來不同的影響。(四)對於互動經驗的理解與詮釋:從諮商關係的樣貌、阻礙諮商順利互動的因素、理解負向互動經驗的方式、對於諮商當時選擇的困惑四個層面,呈現當事人對於其互動經驗的整體理解。 三、呈現雙性戀當事人對於心理師與諮商專業的期待:包括(一)對於心理師的期待:當事人期待心理師在性別意識及敏感度、態度、雙性戀相關知能、社會結構文化觀點、諮商架構等層面有所作為,也期待能夠與雙性戀心理師晤談。(二)對於諮商專業領域的建議:增加對於雙性戀議題及多元性別與文化的學習。 文末,研究者針對此研究結果進行綜合討論,並提出對於未來研究、心理師實務工作以及諮商專業領域的相關建議。
In the present study, bisexuals were interviewed to describe their experiences, feelings, and perspectives regarding counseling. This study contributed to the understanding of how counseling services help bisexual clients and where these services can be improved. This study was aimed to elucidate (a) bisexual clients’ counseling experiences and (b) their suggestions or expectations for psychologists and counseling professionals. Both purposive and snowball sampling were used to recruit 6 bisexuals who had undergone counseling. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and summarized and examined through thematic analysis. The findings are as follows: I. Concerns and coping of entering counseling (a) Motives: Different subjects reported different motives for receiving counseling, particularly sexual orientation, bisexual stigma, internalized biphobia, relationship issues, and self-disclosure of sexual orientation. (b) Perceptions and concerns about counseling: Some subjects viewed counseling positively, whereas most reported concerns about their difficulty expressing themselves and their psychologists’ attitudes, capabilities, confidentiality practices, and manner and effectiveness of counseling. (c) Approaches to addressing concerns about counseling: The subjects determined, on the basis of different strategies and factors, whether they should continue to work with their psychologists. In some cases, they self-disclosed sexual orientation and provided knowledge about bisexuality to help their psychologists understand them better. II. Experiences of interaction with psychologists (a) Self-disclosing sexual orientation: The subjects tended to consider different factors when determining the timing and extent of coming out. Moreover, the reaction of psychologists to the subjects’ disclosure of their sexual orientation influenced the specialists’ interventions. (b) Perceiving positive experiences: Psychologists exhibited positive attitudes (e.g., being supportive, friendly, attentive, or open-minded), provided effective interventions with bisexual knowledge (e.g. being knowledgeable about bisexuals, having gender awareness and sensitivity, establishing rigorous counseling frameworks, and demonstrating positive attentive nonverbal behaviors), and providing general effective interventions (e.g. discussing and summarizing issues of bisexuality, providing emotional support). Such positive experiences exerted influence of varying degrees on subjects’ bisexual identity, inner state, counseling experiences, and living. (c) Perceiving negative experiences: Psychologists exhibited negative attitudes (e.g., being unfriendly, inattentive, narrow-minded, or ill-informed about bisexuality) and provided ineffective interventions (because of their inadequate knowledge of bisexuality, limited gender awareness and sensitivity, poorly developed counseling frameworks and procedures, or repulsive nonverbal behaviors). (d) Understanding and interpretation of the interaction: The subjects demonstrated a sufficient knowledge of their interaction with psychologists or counselors by describing their counseling relationships, identifying factors inhibiting their counseling processes, reporting their approaches to comprehending their negative interaction experiences, and expressed uncertainty over the counseling services they had selected. III. Expectations (a) For psychologists: should be equipped with gender awareness and sensitivity, positive attitudes toward bisexuals, and knowledge of bisexuality, and sociocultural consciousness. The subjects also expected to be counseled by psychologists with bisexual orientation. (b) For counseling professionals: should be conversant with bisexuality-related issues, sexual diversity, and different cultures. The results of this study were discussed. Directions for future research and suggestions for psychologists and counseling professionals were also proposed.



雙性戀, 當事人, 諮商經驗, bisexual, client, counseling experience

