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本研究旨在瞭解某連鎖幼兒園顧客服務案例之家長抱怨內容,藉由對顧客服務案例紀錄進行研究和分析,探究幼兒園的服務缺失及服務補救方式,進而檢視幼兒園的顧客服務流程並提出相關建議。 本研究採內容分析法進行資料的分析,資料來源為該連鎖幼兒園客服人員所記錄之顧客服務案例,自99年1月1日至101年12月31日,三年共收集74個案例。範圍涵蓋台北市、新北市、桃竹區、台中區、南部地區及東部地區等全台各分園。針對顧客服務案例紀錄進行統計分析後,獲致以下結論: 一、該連鎖幼兒園的顧客服務案例近三年以明顯的趨勢增加,增加幅度高達112%。 二、發生顧客抱怨的幼兒園數量逐年增加,且每年發生兩件以上的幼兒園所數也增加。101年度平均3成的幼兒園有顧客抱怨案例的紀錄。 三、顧客服務案例比例最高的地區為台北市及新北市,占全體約85%;反映的事項也最多元。顧客服務案例比例最高的月份為8月、3月及7月(學期交接時)。 四、針對74個顧客服務案例進行分析,內容歸納成十類,依比例最高至最低為:師資及教保品質有疑慮、行政服務不佳、對幼兒園主管不滿、收退費爭議、老師異動、教保服務人員行為不當、特殊案例、課程不滿意、幼童交通車問題及幼兒受傷。 五、從顧客服務案例中,分析幼兒園的服務補救方式,使用比例從最高到最低的是主管出面解決、依家長建議更正、道歉、內部加強、退還金額、補償、顧客自行更正等;另外的案例分類為不作任何處理、擴大問題、主管未回覆及無法追蹤客訴對象。
The purpose of this study is to understand the parents’ complaints of the customer service cases in a chain preschool. Through the research and analysis of the customer service cases records, the aspects of service failure and the ways the chain preschool dealing with the service recovery are identified. The result reflects the weaknesses of the customer service procedure, and shows the way to improve their service quality. This research used content analysis method for data analysis. The data was collected from Main Office of the chain preschool. There were 74 cases recorded from Jan. 1st, 2010 to Dec. 31st, 2012 including Taipei City, New Taipei City, Tao Yuan Xin Chu Area, Taichung Area, South Area and East Area in total of six areas. The findings of this research are as followed, 1.The complaints from the parents increases every year. The proportion of complaints increases by 112%. 2.The numbers of the preschools being complained increases every year. The preschools with more than two cases increases, too. There was over 30% of the preschools being complained in 2012. 3.The areas with the most complaints are Taipei City and New Taipei City. The most complaints happened in August, March and July which were the transition time of the semesters. 4.This study generalized ten categories from the 74 parent complaints. The proportion of highest to lowest are low quality of teachers and caring standard, poor administrative services, dissatisfaction with preschool supervisors, disagreement on tuition refund, high turnover of teachers, teacher’s improper behavior, special cases, dissatisfaction with curriculum, school bus problems and children’s injury. 5.There were several ways used by the chain preschool to deal with the service recovery. The proportion of highest to lowest are manager intervention, customer initiated correction, apology, reinforcement the service procedure, refund and compensation. There are some different situations, like no further actions, making bigger problems, no reply from the supervisors and without the complaints’ information.



幼兒園, 顧客關係, 服務品質, 顧客抱怨, 服務補救, Preschool, Customer Relationship, Service Quality, Customer Complaint, Service Recovery





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