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Department of Geography, NTNU
Department of Geography, NTNU
由於新加坡的聚落地景變造與現代化、都市化同步進行,國族理念往往藏匿其中而不易被察覺。是故本文的研究日的在於:I 藉由對於新加坡華人新、舊聚落地景的探討,來探究政府在聚落地景演替中所注入的國族意涵」。在研究中,筆者先分別探討華人新、舊聚落地景樣貌,再述及不同聚落地景中所傳達的地景敘事,以呈現政府藉由地景演替所灌注的國族理念。研究結果顯示,新、舊聚落地景的變遷,不僅僅是為了解決新加坡嚴重的屋荒問題,由於國族論述楚勢加諸於景變遷之中,使得新加坡華人聚落地景的變遷存在著下列三項特性:1.地景破除獨立建國後政府透過了大規模組屋地景的建造,破除不利國家、國族發展的傳統聚落地景。2.地景新造作為國家權力象徵的建屋發展局統合土地、財富等資源而進行重新分配,新建造的組屋地景不帶有族群、城鄉、經濟差異的色彩。3.地景的保存與轉化一在地景變造過程中,小部分的建築地景被政府保留下來,並被加諸國族論述,而與國家過往歷史相連結。
Because the change of Singapore's settlement landscapes is going along with modernization and urbanization, it's difficult to find out the national idea within it. This study mainly looks into the national meaning within the succession of settlement landscapes by probing into the new and old Chinese settlement landscapes. To demonstrate this, this study will attempt to probe into new and old Chinese settlement landscapes first , then to find out the landscape narratives within them. The result shows that the change of settlement landscapes not only solved problems of housing shortage. Since the national idea was poured into, there were three characteristics within the landscape change. They were: I. Destroy Landscapes. The government destroyed old settlement landscapes which were unfavorable tothe national development by constructing public housings extensively; 2. Construct Landscapes. HDB gathered lands and fortunes to build public housings which have no colors of ethnicities, urban and rural and economical difference; 3. Conserve and transform landscapes. A few landscapes were conserved and infused into national idea to be associated with the past of nation by the government.
Because the change of Singapore's settlement landscapes is going along with modernization and urbanization, it's difficult to find out the national idea within it. This study mainly looks into the national meaning within the succession of settlement landscapes by probing into the new and old Chinese settlement landscapes. To demonstrate this, this study will attempt to probe into new and old Chinese settlement landscapes first , then to find out the landscape narratives within them. The result shows that the change of settlement landscapes not only solved problems of housing shortage. Since the national idea was poured into, there were three characteristics within the landscape change. They were: I. Destroy Landscapes. The government destroyed old settlement landscapes which were unfavorable tothe national development by constructing public housings extensively; 2. Construct Landscapes. HDB gathered lands and fortunes to build public housings which have no colors of ethnicities, urban and rural and economical difference; 3. Conserve and transform landscapes. A few landscapes were conserved and infused into national idea to be associated with the past of nation by the government.