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身、心、靈平衡一直是現代人所嚮往的生活方向,在人生的境遇中難免會因外在環境讓內心隨之起伏,無法讓心安處當下,對於如何轉化內在情緒波動將是一門新課題,筆者藉由藝術創作的過程中不斷與自我對話,用繪畫創造一個「心境地」,跳脫現實環境讓紛亂的思維沉澱,從中再去思考所面對的困境,以及自我與宇宙間的意識層面問題,探究生命之意義與內在靈性的開啟。 本研究目的主要藉由繪畫的方式探討人在不同境遇時所產生的不同心境,如何從中讓情緒獲得安定,真實的面對所壓抑的情緒,以換種思維的方式再加以觀照自我,以更智慧與豁達的心態去處理每個當下,讓身心靈更趨於平衡,才能真正做自己內在的主人。藉由畫作讓內在許多無法用文字表達的情緒有個另種出口,更能在作畫的同時沉澱與反思自我的生命經驗,透過畫面的呈現,期望能讓觀者在觀看時,跳脫奔忙的現實生活,傾聽自己內在的聲音,觸動觀者的感知啟發。
A delicate balance among the body, mind and soul has been an ultimate pursuit of all mankind. People have struggled to calm down with outward interference, therefore, how to properly transform the ripple of our inner core into a peace would be certainly a great issue to us. The author constructed a “mind place” in paintings through a profound talk with herself. It makes the train of thinking roam on the sideline with different perspective toward difficulties, furthermore helps us pick up the connection between ourselves and the universe in conscious level, to open up our inner spirituality after a better comprehension of life. The objective of this study is to acquire the inner peace under various emotions and face the mood originally suppressed by ourselves, via the paintings showing how we react the life under different circumstances. It drives us to see ourselves in other point of view with more magnanimous attitude then to handle every presence. The more the inside balance ball becomes tranquil, the better we master ourselves. The paintings provide another outlet of dispersing her emotion that cannot be expressed by words, especially that the process of painting itself is a best time of settling herself and ruminating life experience. By means ofthe display of the pictures, the author expects that people are able to escape their bustling life and listen to their own inner voice, giving rise to trigger a further enlightenment.



身心靈平衡, 內在靈性, 意識層次, 心境轉化, balance among the body, mind and soul, inner spirituality, conscious level, core transformation





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