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1. 擴增實境教學與傳統教學對學生概念學習測驗成績的影響沒有不同。
2. 學生接受擴增實境教學分心行為出現次數少於傳統教學分心行為出現次數,意即擴增實境教學能有效減少學生的分心行為。
3. 擴增實境教學能改善學生特定分心行為,分心動作與分心消極行為出現次數皆下降。
Augmented Reality teaching method is used to investigate theinfluence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD)student’s learning effectiveness, while “concept learning” and “off-task behavior” were dependent variables in this study. The participant was an eighth grade ADHD student, and research tools were off-task behavior observation table and concept learning test by recordingcourses through video camera. The data obtained were statistically analyzed by C statistics. The major results of the study were as follow: 1. There are no difference to concept learning test scores between Augmented Reality teaching and Traditional teaching. 2. Student’soff-task behaviorshows less frequently by using Augmented Reality teaching method than Traditional one. 3. Augmented Reality teaching can reduce student’soff-task motor and off-taskpassive behaviors. Finally, Based on findings,there are some recommendations and suggestions for teachers and subsequent researchers.
Augmented Reality teaching method is used to investigate theinfluence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD)student’s learning effectiveness, while “concept learning” and “off-task behavior” were dependent variables in this study. The participant was an eighth grade ADHD student, and research tools were off-task behavior observation table and concept learning test by recordingcourses through video camera. The data obtained were statistically analyzed by C statistics. The major results of the study were as follow: 1. There are no difference to concept learning test scores between Augmented Reality teaching and Traditional teaching. 2. Student’soff-task behaviorshows less frequently by using Augmented Reality teaching method than Traditional one. 3. Augmented Reality teaching can reduce student’soff-task motor and off-taskpassive behaviors. Finally, Based on findings,there are some recommendations and suggestions for teachers and subsequent researchers.
擴增實境, 注意力缺陷過動, 分心行為, Augmented Reality, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, off-task behavior