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本研究旨在研擬適合高中地理實現全球共識之課程設計,同時探討全球共識的地理教學設計,以飲食教育為例之學習成效,俾利於全球共識之教育推廣。教學目標呼應全球共識,強調自身行為決策的改變,目的是深化學生對於永續的認知、態度,接著提升每個學生的決策與行為。透過文獻探究後歸納出適合全球共識的教學法,設計50分鐘的課程共9堂,以經驗教育理念與教學法貫穿整體教學活動,並透過經驗教學中的體驗式學習(Experiential Learning)與團體探究式教學法(Group Investigation)提升學生的「全球共識」態度與行為,同時利用魚菜共生系統體驗環境永續的困境與可能,並於課程中實現零食物里程之行為目標。本研究於課程前後對學生進行全球共識態度行為量表測驗,採單組前後測實驗,並藉由學生的回饋、協同教師的觀感和研究者本身的參與觀察評估其成效。
The purpose of the study is to enhance “global understanding” by implementing experiential instruction in geography curriculum in senior high school. Nine 50-minute instructional sessions based on food mile and aquaponics were designed to facilitate students’ knowledge acquisition of global understanding. Teaching methods including experiential learning, group investigation, collaborative teaching, and integrated thematic instruction were utilized to meet the learning objectives of reducing food mile and fostering global understanding. To evaluate the effectiveness of the course design, the study adopted one-group pretest-posttest experimental design and analyzed data collected from attitude and behavior scale, students’ learning process and profile, and feedback from students and collaborative teachers. The findings indicated that the geography course effectively improve students’ attitude and action toward global understanding. Experiential instruction along with integrated themes not only helped most of the students achieve the goals of reducing food miles and contributing to a sustainable environment by slightly changing their lifestyle, but also successfully enhanced students’ learning motivation and interest. In addition, such course design also fits the spirit of the 12-year basic education─“taking initiative; engaging the public; seeking the common good”
The purpose of the study is to enhance “global understanding” by implementing experiential instruction in geography curriculum in senior high school. Nine 50-minute instructional sessions based on food mile and aquaponics were designed to facilitate students’ knowledge acquisition of global understanding. Teaching methods including experiential learning, group investigation, collaborative teaching, and integrated thematic instruction were utilized to meet the learning objectives of reducing food mile and fostering global understanding. To evaluate the effectiveness of the course design, the study adopted one-group pretest-posttest experimental design and analyzed data collected from attitude and behavior scale, students’ learning process and profile, and feedback from students and collaborative teachers. The findings indicated that the geography course effectively improve students’ attitude and action toward global understanding. Experiential instruction along with integrated themes not only helped most of the students achieve the goals of reducing food miles and contributing to a sustainable environment by slightly changing their lifestyle, but also successfully enhanced students’ learning motivation and interest. In addition, such course design also fits the spirit of the 12-year basic education─“taking initiative; engaging the public; seeking the common good”
全球共識, 地理教學, 飲食教育, 食物里程, 魚菜共生, 跨學科, global understanding, geography geography, food education, food mile, aquaponics, interdisciplinary