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本研究旨在探討應用樂高教學方案在國小生活科技課程的可行性及其對學童創造力之影響。為達研究目的,本研究進行文獻探討,瞭解國內外建造論、創造力、問題解決等理論基礎,作為規劃樂高教學方案的依據。本研究採取準實驗研究法,以台東縣東海國小六年級兩個班級(各35名學童)為研究對象,隨機分派為實驗組與控制組。實驗組學童接受樂高教學方案教學,控制組學童接受傳統教學,教學實驗時間為期六週(24節課)。本研究以簡單機械成就測驗、創造力實作評量表、威廉斯創造性思考活動、威廉斯創造性傾向量表、學習意見調查表及訪談大綱為研究工具,比較實驗組與控制組兩組學童在生活科技課程學習成效的差異及創造力的影響。本研究結論為(1)樂高教學方案適用於國小生活科技課程之教學;(2)樂高教學方案可提升國小學童在生活科技課程的學習成效;(3) 樂高教學方案可提升國小學童部分創造力的能力。
This study aimed to investigate the practicability of the “LEGO Instructional Programs” and the learning efficiency in the elementary school’s technology curriculums and influences of children’s creativity while applying “LEGO Instructional Programs.” Quasi-experimental, control-group pretest-posttest design was used in this study. Two 6th grader classes with seventy students in total from Dong-Hai elementary school, Taitung County were selected as the research sample of this study. The classes were further divided into the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received the instruction is based on “LEGO Instructional Program”; on the other hand, the control group received “Traditional Instruction.” After six weeks instructional methodology given (Twenty –four classes period), we compare with these two groups students between the learning efficiency of technology curriculums and influences of students’ creativities. The results of this study showed as follows: (1) “LEGO Instructional Programs” can be applied to the elementary school’s technology curriculums. (2) “LEGO Instructional Programs” can increase children’s instructional effectiveness at elementary school technology curriculums. (3) “LEGO Instructional Programs” can increase the part abilities of children’s creativity.
This study aimed to investigate the practicability of the “LEGO Instructional Programs” and the learning efficiency in the elementary school’s technology curriculums and influences of children’s creativity while applying “LEGO Instructional Programs.” Quasi-experimental, control-group pretest-posttest design was used in this study. Two 6th grader classes with seventy students in total from Dong-Hai elementary school, Taitung County were selected as the research sample of this study. The classes were further divided into the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received the instruction is based on “LEGO Instructional Program”; on the other hand, the control group received “Traditional Instruction.” After six weeks instructional methodology given (Twenty –four classes period), we compare with these two groups students between the learning efficiency of technology curriculums and influences of students’ creativities. The results of this study showed as follows: (1) “LEGO Instructional Programs” can be applied to the elementary school’s technology curriculums. (2) “LEGO Instructional Programs” can increase children’s instructional effectiveness at elementary school technology curriculums. (3) “LEGO Instructional Programs” can increase the part abilities of children’s creativity.
建造論, 樂高教學方案, 創造力, 生活科技課程, 國小, 實作評量, Constructionism, LEGO Instructional Programs, Creativity, Technology Curriculums, Elementary School, performance assessment