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本研究旨在探討教師如何採取最有效的管教策略,以達到正向管教的目的。研究首先採用調查研究法,蒐集教師的管教情境及策略,再依開放性問卷回覆內容,採用質性研究方法來分析資料。共分為兩個研究。研究一目的在搜集教師管教情境,以立意抽樣方式選取30位國中教師為參與者。依據問卷回覆資料分別整理歸納出最令教師感到困擾的管教情境和最令教師感到滿意的管教情境。結果發現,最令教師感到困擾的三類管教情境分別為:1.課堂上違規行為和其他反覆的違規行為;2.學習意願低落;3.同儕糾紛。最令教師感到滿意的三類管教情境分別為:1.融洽的團隊氣氛;2.師生信任關係;3.學生主動協助。 研究二目的在搜集得獎教師之管教策略。本研究針對27位參加教育部正向管教範例徵選中獲獎之國中教師進行開放性問卷調查,將所得資料進行內容分析。分別依照各情境的回覆內容,編碼為七個主類目,分別為:1.確實有效運用規範;2.教師充分運用輔導技巧,以協助解決問題;3.教導學生對自己行為後果負起責任並接受管教;4.教師身教並彈性運用教學技巧;5.發揮同儕的影響力;6.善用支持系統;7.事後追蹤。 最後,根據本研究結果進行討論並整理出一套教師正向管教有效策略流程圖,據以提出具體建議做為教師和相關單位與未來研究之參考。
The purpose of this research was toinvestigate how teachers take the most effective discipline strategies to achieve the positive discipline. This research was adopted the survey method and used qualitative research methods to analyze data of the contents of open-ended questionnaire survey. There were two studies in this research. The purpose of the first study was to collect discipline situations from a purposive sample of 30 teachers who teach in junior high school. Based on the data of questionnaire, the most of the disturbing discipline situations and the satisfied discipline situations were revealed. The most of the disturbing discipline situations were as the followings:disbehaviors in class and other repeated disbehaviors;lower learning willingness; disputements between peers. The first three satisfied discipline situations were as the followings:the harmonious atmosphere among team members; the trusting relationship between teachers and students; the voluntarily assistance from students. The purpose of the second study was to collect discipline strategies from 27 teachers, who were rewarded positive-discipline exemplifications of the Ministry of Education. Then a quantitative content analysis of the data was conducted. The findings of the second study were indicated the core categories of the most effective discipline strategies in each discipline situations:using regulation indeed;teachers take advantages of counseling skills to solve problem;instructing students to take responsibility for the consequences of their misbehaviors and accepting punishment;setting a good example for students and using teaching skills well;exerting peer influence;using the supporting system well;tracking afterward. Finally, the results were discussed at the final part of this research. Some concrete suggestions for teachers, related educational systems were provided for future studies.



管教情境, 正向管教策略, discipline situation, positive discipline strategies





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